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OpcCertificateSettings Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines the setup of an application instance certificate.


public class OpcCertificateSettings

Inheritance Object › OpcCertificateSettings


Name Description
OpcCertificateSettings(String) Initializes a new instance of the OpcCertificateSettings class using the name of the application its instance certificate information is to be represented by the settings.


Name Description
DefaultKeySize Represents the default value that is used by the OpcCertificateSettings as initial value of the KeySize property.
DefaultLifetime Represents the default value that is used by the OpcCertificateSettings as initial value of the Lifetime property.


Name Description
ApplicationName Gets the name of the application its instance certificate is setup.
ApplicationUri Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier of the application instance.
DomainNames Gets a collection of domain names typically used by the application instance. In case of a server application the list have to contain the name of the machine used to access the server.
KeySize Gets or sets the number of bits to use to create the key of the certificate.
Lifetime Gets or sets the number of months the certificate will be valid.
SubjectName Gets or sets the subject name portion of the certificate.


Name Description
Of(IOpcApplicationInstance) Retrieves the best certificate setup for the application instance specified.