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OpcFileInfo Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides a default implementation of the IOpcFileInfo interface representing a FileInfo for the use in OPC UA.


public class OpcFileInfo : IOpcFileInfo

Inheritance Object › OpcFileInfo

Implements IOpcFileInfo


Name Description
OpcFileInfo(FileInfo) Initializes a new instance of the OpcFileInfo class with the FileInfo to use as the underlyingFileInfo.
OpcFileInfo(String) Initializes a new instance of the OpcFileInfo class with the filePath specified.


Name Description
Exists Gets a value indicating whether a file exists.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets a value that determines if the current file is read only.
Length Gets the size, in bytes, of the current file.
UnderlyingFileInfo Gets the underlying FileInfo used by the current OpcFileInfo.


Name Description
GetMimeType Determines the internet media type (mime- or content-type) of the file.
Open(OpcFileMode) Opens a file in the specified mode.
OpenCore(FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare) Opens the underlying file info with the specified mode, access, and share.
Refresh Refreshes the state of the object.