OpcMemberOrigins Enum

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines criterions used to select members of a specific type.


public enum OpcMemberOrigins

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › OpcMemberOrigins

Attributes FlagsAttribute


Name Value Description
Field 1 All fields of a type shall be selected.
Property 2 All properties of a type shall be selected.
Explicit 4 Restricts the possible selection of members to only whose which define an appropriate attribute. Using only this criteria results into the use of all fields and properties defined by a specific type which can be further restricted using one or more criterions to restrict the accessibility of them.
Public 8 Restricts the possible selection of members to only public accessible members. Using only this criteria results into the use of all fields and properties public accessible (this criteria is evaluated against FieldInfo.IsPublic for fields and MethodBase.IsPublic of the getter and setter methods of the PropertyInfo for properties).
Internal 16 Restricts the possible selection of members to only inernal accessible members. Using only this criteria results into the use of all fields and properties internal accessible (this criteria is evaluated against FieldInfo.IsAssembly for fields and MethodBase.IsAssembly of the getter and setter methods of the PropertyInfo for properties).
Protected 32 Restricts the possible selection of members to only protected accessible members. Using only this criteria results into the use of all fields and properties protected accessible (this criteria is evaluated against FieldInfo.IsFamily for fields and MethodBase.IsFamily of the getter and setter methods of the PropertyInfo for properties).
Private 64 Restricts the possible selection of members to only private accessible members. Using only this criteria results into the use of all fields and properties private accessible (this criteria is evaluated against FieldInfo.IsPrivate for fields and MethodBase.IsPrivate of the getter and setter methods of the PropertyInfo for properties).
NonPublic 112 Combines the criterions Internal, Protected and Private.
Default 11 Combines the criterions Field, Property and Public.