OpcNamespaceScope Enum

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines the scope within a OpcNamespace has been declared its metadata applies to.


public enum OpcNamespaceScope

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › OpcNamespaceScope


Name Value Description
Shared 0 The OpcNamespace is valid to the current AppDomain and its shared using a static (Shared in Visual Basic) cache of namespaces. A shared namespace is typically defined using one of the static (Shared in Visual Basic) 'Get' methods provided by the OpcNamespace class. A continuously shared OpcNamespace is the default namespace (see Default).
Application 1 The OpcNamespace is valid to a specific IOpcApplicationInstance and it is therefore listed in its Namespaces.
Independent 2 The OpcNamespace has been created using one of the static (Shared in Visual Basic) 'Create', 'TryCreate', 'Parse' or 'TryParse' methods provided by the OpcNamespace class and is therefore independent from any shared namespaces (see Shared) and as well from any application specific defined namespaces (see Application).