OpcTimestampSource Enum

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Defines the source of the timestamp to use for OpcValue instances.


public enum OpcTimestampSource

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › OpcTimestampSource


Name Value Description
Value 0 The SourceTimestamp will be kept unchanged. This means that the user defined timestamp remains unchanged. In case there is no user defined timestamp, the default timestamp will be used.
MinValue 1 The SourceTimestamp will be changed to MinValue even if the user specified a different timestamp.
UtcNow 2 The SourceTimestamp will be changed to UtcNow even if the user specified a different timestamp.
Now 3 The SourceTimestamp will be changed to Now even if the user specified a different timestamp.
MaxValue 4 The SourceTimestamp will be changed to MaxValue even if the user specified a different timestamp.