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IPDeviceEndPoint Class

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Represents a network endpoint as an IP address, rack and slot number of a PLC device.


public class IPDeviceEndPoint : PlcDeviceEndPoint

Inheritance ObjectPlcDeviceEndPoint › IPDeviceEndPoint



Name Description
IPDeviceEndPoint(IPAddress) Initializes a new instance of the IPDeviceEndPoint class with the specified address.
IPDeviceEndPoint(IPAddress, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the IPDeviceEndPoint class with the specified address and rack number.
IPDeviceEndPoint(IPAddress, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the IPDeviceEndPoint class with the specified address, rack number and slot number.
IPDeviceEndPoint(String) Initializes a new instance of the IPDeviceEndPoint class with the specified address.
IPDeviceEndPoint(String, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the IPDeviceEndPoint class with the specified address and rack number.
IPDeviceEndPoint(String, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the IPDeviceEndPoint class with the specified address, rack number and slot number.


Name Description
DefaultRack Specifies the default value that is by default assigned to the Rack property.
DefaultSlot Specifies the default value that is by default assigned to the Slot property.
MaxRack Specifies the maximum value that can be assigned to the Rack property.
MaxSlot Specifies the maximum value that can be assigned to the Slot property.
MinRack Specifies the minimum value that can be assigned to the Rack property.
MinSlot Specifies the minimum value that can be assigned to the Slot property.
TsapEncoding Stores the type of Encoding used for encoding and decoding TSAP information.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)


Name Description
Address Gets or sets the IP address of the endpoint.
AddressFamily Gets the address family to which the endpoint belongs.
AddressFamily Gets the address family to which the endpoint belongs.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
IsCustomRack Gets a value indicating whether a custom rack has been associated with this endpoint.
IsCustomSlot Gets a value indicating whether a custom slot has been associated with this endpoint.
LocalTSAP Gets or sets the address of the local transport service access point to use when communicating with the PLC device.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
LocalTSAPValue Gets or sets the String encoded address of the local transport service access point to use when communicating with the PLC device.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
Rack Gets or sets the rack number of the endpoint.
RemoteTSAP Gets or sets the address of the remote transport service access point to use when communicating with the PLC device.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
RemoteTSAPValue Gets or sets the String encoded address of the remote transport service access point to use when communicating with the PLC device.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
Slot Gets or sets the slot number of the endpoint.


Name Description
GetHashCode Returns a hash value for an endpoint.
OnChanged(EventArgs) Raises the Changed event using the specified event data.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
RaiseChanged Raises the Changed event.
(Inherited from PlcDeviceEndPoint)
ToString Returns a string that represents the current IPDeviceEndPoint.