PlcS5TimeOrigin Enum

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Specifies the origin based on that a PlcS5Time defines its lower and upper value bounds.


public enum PlcS5TimeOrigin

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › PlcS5TimeOrigin


Name Value Description
TenMilliseconds 0 The range of time starts by 10 milliseconds and ends by 9s 990 milliseconds.
OneHundredMilliseconds 1 The range of time starts by 100 milliseconds and ends by 1m 39s 990 milliseconds.
OneSecond 2 The range of time starts by 1s and ends by 16m 39s.
TenSeconds 3 The range of time starts by 10s and ends by 2h 46m 30s.