PlcTypeCode Enum

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Specifies the type of a PLC object.


public enum PlcTypeCode

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnum › PlcTypeCode


Name Value Description
Empty 0 A null reference.
Bool 1 A type representing a Boolean.
Byte 2 A type representing a Byte.
Char 3 A type representing a Char.
Int 4 A type representing an Int16.
Word 5 A type representing an UInt16.
DInt 6 A type representing an Int32.
DWord 7 A type representing an UInt32.
Real 8 A type representing a Single.
Double 9 A type representing a Double (created from a DWord).
Date 10 A type representing a DateTime (containing only the date of day).
Time 11 A type representing a TimeSpan.
TimeOfDay 12 A type representing a TimeSpan.
S5Time 13 A type representing a TimeSpan.
DateTime 14 A type representing a DateTime.
String 15 A type representing a String.
LInt 16 A type representing an Int64.
LWord 17 A type representing an UInt64.
LReal 18 A type representing a Double (created from a LWord).
Object 100 A type representing a PlcObject.