Table of Contents


Name Description
Range`1(0, 0) Initializes a new instance of the Range´1 struct with the specified start and end values.


Name Description
Empty Represents a Range´1 structure with its properties left uninitialized.


Name Description
End Gets the upper bound of the range.
IsEmpty Tests whether all properties of this Range´1 have default values of T.
Start Gets the lower bound of the range.


Name Description
Contains(Range) Determines if the specified range is contained within this Range´1 structure.
Contains(0) Determines if the specified value is contained within this Range´1 structure.
Equals(Object) Tests whether obj is a Range´1 structure with the same Start and End of this Range´1.
Equals(Range) Tests whether otherRange´1 structure does have the same Start and End of this Range´1.
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this Range´1 structure. For information about the use of hash codes, see GetHashCode.
Intersect(Range, Range) Returns a third Range´1 structure that represents the intersection of two other Range´1 structures. If there is no intersection an empty Range´1 is returned.
IntersectsWith(Range) Determines if this range intersects with range.
ToString Converts the attributes of this Range´1 to a human-readable string.
Union(Range, Range) Returns a Range´1 structure that contains the union of two Range´1 structures.


Name Description
op_Equality(Range, Range) Tests whether two Range´1 structures have equal start and end.
op_Inequality(Range, Range) Tests whether two Range´1 structures differ.