OpcFileInfo Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Client
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides properties and instance methods for the opening of files and aids in the creation of OpcFileStream objects.


public sealed class OpcFileInfo

Inheritance Object › OpcFileInfo

Name Description
OpcFileInfo(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Initializes a new instance of the OpcFileInfo class, which acts as a wrapper for the file node identified by the fileNodeId and accessed using the client specified.
OpcFileInfo(OpcFileNodeContext) Initializes a new instance of the OpcFileInfo class, which acts as a wrapper for the file node identified by the context specified.
Name Description
CanUserWrite Gets a value indicating whether the file is writable taking user access rights into account.
CanWrite Gets a value indicating whether the file is writable.
Context Gets the OpcFileNodeContext used to wrap and access the file node its information is to be provided by the OpcFileInfo.
Exists Gets a value indicating whether the file node represented exists.
Length Gets the size, in bytes, of the current file represented by the file node described.
MimeType Gets the media type of the current file represented by the file node described.
Name Gets the name of the file node described.
Name Description
AppendText Creates a StreamWriter that appends text to the file represented by this instance of the OpcFileInfo.
Open(OpcFileMode) Opens a file in the specified mode.
OpenRead Creates a read-only OpcFileStream.
OpenText Creates a StreamReader with UTF8 encoding.
OpenWrite Creates a write-only OpcFileStream.
Refresh Refreshes the state and information of the OpcFileInfo object.
ToString Returns the OpcNodeId or the Value of the file node described.