OpcNodeManager Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Server
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides an abstract base class used to organize and maintain the address space or only a part of it. This includes the definition of the nodes in the address space as well as the processing of different node operations to interact with the underlying system.


public abstract class OpcNodeManager : IDisposable, IOpcNamespaceResolver

Inheritance Object › OpcNodeManager


Implements IDisposable, IOpcNamespaceResolver

Name Description
OpcNodeManager(OpcNamespace, OpcNamespace) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNodeManager class using the defaultNamespace and additionally specified namespaces.
OpcNodeManager(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNodeManager class using the defaultNamespace and additionally specified String-based namespaces.
OpcNodeManager(Uri, Uri) Initializes a new instance of the OpcNodeManager class using the defaultNamespaceUri and additionally specified Uri-based namespaceUris.
Name Description
MonitoredItemCreated Occurs when a new monitored item is created through a OpcSession.
MonitoredItemDeleted Occurs when an existing monitored item of a OpcSession has been deleted.
MonitoredItemModified Occurs when an existing monitored item of a OpcSession has been modified.
MonitoredItemsCreated Occurs when a set of new monitored items is created through a OpcSession.
MonitoredItemsDeleted Occurs when a set of existing monitored items of a OpcSession has been deleted.
MonitoredItemsModified Occurs when a set of existing monitored items of a OpcSession has been modified.
Name Description
NodeIdFactory Gets or sets the OpcNodeIdFactory instance used by this node manager to determine / create node identifiers for the nodes provided / defined by the node manager.
Name Description
AddNode(IOpcNode, IEnumerable)
AddNode(IOpcNode, IOpcNodeReferenceAware)
AddNode(IOpcNode, OpcNodeReferenceCollection)
AddNode(OpcContext, IOpcNode)
AddNode(OpcContext, IOpcNode, IEnumerable)
AddNode(OpcContext, IOpcNode, IOpcNodeReferenceAware)
AddNode(OpcContext, IOpcNode, OpcNodeReferenceCollection)
Browse(OpcContext, OpcBrowsePoint, OpcReferenceDescriptionCollection)
CreateHistory(IOpcNode, OpcHistoryModificationInfo, OpcValueCollection)
DeleteHistory(IOpcNode, OpcHistoryModificationInfo, IEnumerable)
DeleteHistory(IOpcNode, OpcHistoryModificationInfo, Nullable, Nullable, OpcDeleteHistoryOptions)
DeleteHistory(IOpcNode, OpcHistoryModificationInfo, OpcValueCollection)
Dispose Releases all resources used by the OpcNodeManager.
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the OpcNodeManager and optionally releases the managed resources.
GetNode(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the IOpcNode which is maintained by the Nodes of this OpcNodeManager and is known under the nodeId specified.
GetNode(String) Retrieves the IOpcNode which is maintained by the Nodes of this OpcNodeManager and is known under the nodePath specified.
ImplementNode(IOpcNode) When implemented in a derived class, implements the logic required to integrate the node into the underlying system.
ImportNodes When implemented in a derived class, offers the different OpcNodeSets which are imported prior any other nodes are created within the address space part organized by the current OpcNodeManager.
IsNodeAccessible(OpcContext, OpcNodeId, IOpcNodeInfo)
OnMonitoredItemCreated(OpcMonitoredItemEventArgs) Raises the MonitoredItemCreated event of the OpcNodeManager.
OnMonitoredItemDeleted(OpcMonitoredItemEventArgs) Raises the MonitoredItemDeleted event of the OpcNodeManager.
OnMonitoredItemModified(OpcMonitoredItemEventArgs) Raises the MonitoredItemModified event of the OpcNodeManager.
OnMonitoredItemsCreated(OpcMonitoredItemsEventArgs) Raises the MonitoredItemsCreated event of the OpcNodeManager.
OnMonitoredItemsDeleted(OpcMonitoredItemsEventArgs) Raises the MonitoredItemsDeleted event of the OpcNodeManager.
OnMonitoredItemsModified(OpcMonitoredItemsEventArgs) Raises the MonitoredItemsModified event of the OpcNodeManager.
Read(OpcContext, OpcNodeAccessTokenCollection)
ReadHistory(IOpcNode, Nullable, Nullable, OpcReadHistoryOptions)
RemoveNode(IOpcNode, OpcLocalReferenceCollection)
RemoveNode(OpcContext, IOpcNode)
RemoveNode(OpcContext, IOpcNode, OpcLocalReferenceCollection)
ReplaceHistory(IOpcNode, OpcHistoryModificationInfo, OpcValueCollection)
ReplaceNode(IOpcNode) Replaces an existing IOpcNode instance with the specified node without invalidating existing monitored items nor previously defined notifiers.
ReportEvent(IOpcNode, OpcEventSeverity, OpcText) Produces a global event using the event data specified.
ReportEvent(IOpcNode, OpcEventSeverity, OpcText, Object) Produces a global event using the event data specified.
ReportEvent(OpcEventNode) Produces a global event using the eventNode specified.
ReportEvent(OpcEventSeverity, OpcText) Produces a global event using the event data specified.
ReportEvent(OpcEventSeverity, OpcText, Object) Produces a global event using the event data specified.
ReportEvent(OpcNodeId, String, OpcEventSeverity, OpcText) Produces a global event using the event data specified.
ReportEvent(OpcNodeId, String, OpcEventSeverity, OpcText, Object) Produces a global event using the event data specified.
UpdateHistory(IOpcNode, OpcHistoryModificationInfo, OpcValueCollection)
Write(OpcContext, OpcNodeAccessTokenCollection)