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Data area Code PLC-Memory AccessMode 'X' Input relay bit 'Y' Output relay bit 'B' Link relay bit 'M' Internal relay bit 'm' Special relay bit (! note the notation of the small 'm') 'W' Link register word / dword / float 'D' Data register word / dword / float 'R' File register word / dword / float 'w' Special link register word / dword / float 'T' TS Timer Contact word 't' TC Timer Coil Bit 'I' TN Timer current value word 'S' SS Retenitive Timer Contact word 's' SC Retenitive Timer Coil Bit 'i' SN Retenitive Timer current Value word 'C' CS Counter Contact word 'c' CC Counter Coil Bit 'J' CNCounter current value word 'L' Latch relay bit (! only Q-Series) Return Values Only the function “MQR2GetLastErrCode” returns a special value from internal data. All other functions return a result. A result with the value of zero means, the everything is okay. If the value is other than 0 you have to check the return code as follows: MQR2 - error values Name value meaning MQR2_E_NOERR 0 everything OK MQR2_E_TIMEOUT -1 timeout error occurred MQR2_E_BADBAUD -2 for the selected COM, here was elected a different Baud-rate before“; MQR2_E_NOCOM -4 The selected COM port does not exist or is already in use MQR2_E_BADCHAR -3 receive error, I received a bad character. MQR2_E_GENERAL -5 general error, (should not occur) MQR2_E_NODATA -6 data area in PLC not available, e.g. you tried to read M 30000 MQR2_E_DATACNT -7 protocol error. The count of nett data is corrupted. (should not occur) MQR2_E_SIZE -8 You tried to read/write to much data on block. The greatest block is 960 16-Bit words MQR2_E_ZEROSIZE -9 You tried to read/write a block with the length of zero. The Count parameter is set to 0! MQR2_E_DATATYP -10 you have selected an other type than above described MQR2_E_UNKNOWN_ERRCODE -11 I received an unknown ErrorCode. Please call 'MQR2GetLastErrCode' and report the value to the developer of the driver MQR2_E_BADREF -99 the parameter <Ref> is invalid or to the PLC manufacturer. When using QJ functions the following errors can appear. MQJ - error values MQJ_E_NOERR eq. to MQR2_E_NOERR MQJ_E_TIMEOUT eq. to MQR2_E_TIMEOUT MQJ_E_GENERAL eq. to MQR2_E_GENERAL MQJ_E_NODATA eq. to MQR2_E_NODATA MQJ_E_DATACNT eq. to MQR2_E_DATACNT MQJ_E_SIZE eq. to MQR2_E_SIZE MQJ_E_ZEROSIZE eq. to MQR2_E_ZEROSIZE MQJ_E_DATATYP eq. to MQR2_E_DATATYP MQJ_E_UNKNOWN_ERRCODE eq. to MQR2_E_UNKNOWN_ERRCODE MQJ_E_BADREF eq. to MQR2_E_BADREF MQJ_E_DEMOEND eq. to MQR2_E_DEMOEND MQJ_E_NOMEM -12 non memory available MQJ_E_NOCON_AVAIL -13 the maximal count (64) of connections are reached max = 256 MQJ_E_SOCKERR -14 Socket error happened, check MQJGetSockErr (long Ref) MQJ_E_CHECK_ERRCODE -15 check Error-code in user manual, appended in as pdf-File, to get Error code call MQJGetLastErrCode (Ref); Funktionen Open Opens the serial Com Port for the connection specified by the parameters.MQR2Openlong WINAPI MQR2Open (DWORD Com, DWORD PLCType, DWORD Timeout, DWORD StationNr, DWORD NetworkNr, DWORD PCNr, DWORD Baudrate, DWORD Parity, DWORD StopBits); Parameter Name Purpose Com number of the comport the device name is normally created with “sprintf (ComDev, ”/dev/ttyS%d”, Com)“. If you want to use an other device name for this COM-Port, you can call 'MQR2SetDevName' before to register an other device name for the selected port PLCType 0 = normal Q-PLC, 1 = A-PLC Timeout Timeoutvalue in ms to wait for response of the PLC normally 3000 ms StationNr station number of the PLC (normally 0, see configuration of the PLC) NetworkNr Network number of the PLC (normally 0, see configuration of the PLC) PCNr normally 0xFF, (not tested with other values) Baudrate the baud rate, can be: 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600,19200, 38400,57600, 115200 depends on the PLC Parity can be 'N' for none, 'O' for odd, and 'E' for even StopBits count of Stopbits (1 or 2) Result The result value is the reference for calling all further functions. If the value is negative (less than 0). Check the error codes above. If the value is greater or equal to zero, all is OK. You can open up to 16 channels. MQJOpenlong WINAPI MQJOpen (LPCSTR IPAdr, DWORD Port, DWORD PLCType, DWORD NetworkNr, DWORD PCNr, DWORD RxTimeout, DWORD TxTimeout, DWORD ConnectTimeout); Name meaning IPAdr IP Address of the QJ71-71 device e.g. Port Port number of the TCP/IP-connection normally use 5002 (!) here. PLCType 0 = normal Q-PLC, 1 = A-PLC NetWorkNr Network number normally use 0 PCNr normally 0xFF, (not tested with other values) RxTimeout Timeoutvalue in ms to wait for response of the PLC normally 5000 ms TxTimeout Timeoutvalue in ms to wait for sending TCP/IP packets ConnectTimeout Timeoutvalue in ms to wait for the TCP/IP connection becomes established Result The result value is the reference for calling all further functions. If the value is negative (less than 0), check the error codes above. If the value is greater or equal to zero, all is OK. You can open up to 16 channels. Close Closes the COM-Port referenced by <Ref>. MQR2Closelong WINAPI MQR2Close (long Ref); MQJCloselong WINAPI MQJClose (long Ref); Result For the result, check the error code described above. Read / Write Word Read or write words from the PLC MQR2RdW / MQR2WrW//Read long WINAPI MQR2RdW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPWORD Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQR2WrW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPWORD Buffer); MQJRdW / MQJWrW//Read long WINAPI MQJRdW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPWORD Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQJWrW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPWORD Buffer); Name meaning Ref the reference generated by the “Open function” Type Data type, see the list above 'M', 'X' and so on, see data area Start number of the first element, that should be read Cnt the count of elements to be read. Note your <Buffer> must be big enough! Buffer pointer to the memory in the PC. normally this is an array of elements Result For the result, check the error code described above. DWORD Read or write double words from the PLC The Parameter description see “MQR2RdW”.MQR2RdDW / MQR2WrDW//Read long WINAPI MQR2RdDW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPDWORD Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQR2WrDW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPDWORD Buffer); MQJRdDW / MQJWrDW//Read long WINAPI MQJRdDW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPDWORD Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQJWrDW (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPDWORD Buffer); REAL Read or write doubles from the PLC The Parameter description see “MQR2RdW”.MQR2RdReal / MQR2WrReal//Read long WINAPI MQR2RdReal (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, double *Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQR2WrReal (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, double *Buffer); MQJRdReal / MQJWrReal//Read long WINAPI MQJRdReal (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, double *Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQJWrReal (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, double *Buffer); BIT Read or write bit (boolean) from the PLC The Parameter description see “MQR2RdW”. Every Byte represents one bit. 1 = Bit is set. 0 = bit is not set. e.g. BYTE Buffer[10]; MQR2RdBit (Ref, 'M', 0, 10, Buffer); // Read now: Buffer[0] = M0 Buffer[1] = M1 Buffer[2] = M2 and so on. // Write to set M1: Buffer[1] = 1; to reset M2: Buffer[2] = 0; MQR2WrBit (Ref, 'M', 0, 10, Buffer); MQR2RdBit / MQR2WrBit//Read long WINAPI MQR2RdBit (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPBYTE Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQR2WrBit (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPBYTE Buffer); MQJRdBit / MQJWrBit//Read long WINAPI MQJRdBit (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPBYTE Buffer); //Write long WINAPI MQJWrBit (long Ref, DWORD Type, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPBYTE Buffer); GetLastErrCode This function can be called to determine the last error code in the protocol. See the error list above! Call it, when you get the result MQJ_E_CHECK_ERRCODE or MQR2_E_UNKNOWN_ERRCODE MQR2GetLastErrCodelong WINAPI MQR2GetLastErrCode (long Ref); MQJGetLastErrCodelong WINAPI MQJGetLastErrCode (long Ref); SetDevName The device name normally is created with “sprintf (ComDev, ”/dev/ttyS%d”, Com)“. MQR2SetDevNameint MQR2SetDevName (DWORD Com, const char *DevName); If you want to use an other device name for this COM-Port, you can call 'MQR2SetDevName' before to register an other device name for the selected port. e.g. to change the name to ”/dev/tty/mytty“ on the port COM1 call: MQR2SetDevName (COM1, "/dev/tty/mytty"); Now all Open-calls with COM1 are using these device. Result A Result -1 means, you have selected a COM number greater than 15! MQJGetSockErr long WINAPI MQJGetSockErr (long Ref); #define MQJ_E_NOERR MQR2_E_NOERR #define MQJ_E_TIMEOUT MQR2_E_TIMEOUT #define MQJ_E_BADBAUD MQR2_E_BADBAUD #define MQJ_E_NOCOM MQR2_E_NOCOM #define MQJ_E_BADCHAR MQR2_E_BADCHAR #define MQJ_E_GENERAL MQR2_E_GENERAL #define MQJ_E_NODATA MQR2_E_NODATA #define MQJ_E_DATACNT MQR2_E_DATACNT #define MQJ_E_SIZE MQR2_E_SIZE #define MQJ_E_ZEROSIZE MQR2_E_ZEROSIZE #define MQJ_E_DATATYP MQR2_E_DATATYP #define MQJ_E_UNKNOWN_ERRCODE MQR2_E_UNKNOWN_ERRCODE #define MQJ_E_BADREF MQR2_E_BADREF #define MQJ_E_DEMOEND MQR2_E_DEMOEND #define MQJ_E_NOMEM -12 non memory available #define MQJ_E_NOCON_AVAIL -13 the maximal count of connections are reached max = 256 #define MQJ_E_SOCKERR -14 Socket error happened, check #define MQJ_E_CHECK_ERRCODE -15 see complete codes user manual Chapter 11.3, appended in as pdf-File, Q-PLC Error codes / complete codes This section explains the end codes (complete codes) that are added to responses. End code Description Processing 00H Normal completion — 02H Designation of device range of devices to be read/written from/to is incorrect Check and correct the designated head device and number of points 50H Codes for command/response type of sub-header are not within the specifications In communication using the fixed buffer, if the data length setting is less than the actual data count, the remaining data is determined as the second data and processed. In this case, a subheader undefined command type error may occur Check and correct command/response type set by an external device. (The Ethernet module automatically adds command/response type; the user does not need to set these.) Check and correct the data length 51H In communication using the random access buffer, the head address designated by an external device is set outside the range from 0 to 6143 Check and correct the designated head address 54H When “ASCII code communication” is selected in [Operational settings] – [Communication data code] with GX Developer, ASCII code data that cannot be converted to binary code was received from an external device Check and correct the send data of the external device 55H When [Operational setting] – [Enable Write at RUN time] is set to disable (no check mark) with GX Developer, an external device requests to write data while the PLC CPU is in the RUN status. An external device requests writing a parameter, sequence program or microcomputer program while the PLC CPU is in the RUN status. (Not related to the settings in [Operational settings] – [Enable Write at RUN time with GX Developer]) Write data by setting [Enable Write at RUN time] to enable (with check mark). However, writing a parameter, sequence program, or microcomputer program is not allowed while the CPU is in the RUN status. Write such data by placing the PLC CPU in the STOP status 56H Device designation from an external side is incorrect Correct the device designated 57H The number of points for a command designated by an external device exceeds the maximum number of processing points (number of processing that can be executed per communication) for each processing Addresses from the head address (head device number and head step number) to the designated points exceed the maximum addresses (device number and step number) Correct the designated points or the head address (device number and step number) Byte length of a command does not conform to the specifications When writing data, the set number of data points written is different from the value of the designated number Check the data length of the command and redo the data setting Monitoring was requested even though monitor data is not registered Register the monitor data When reading/writing in a microcomputer program, an address after the end of parameter setting range is designated Addresses after the last address cannot be read/written from/to. Correct the address designated In the block number designation of the extension file register, a block number exceeding the range of corresponding memory cassette size is designated Correct the block number 58H A head address (head device number and head step number) of a command designated by an external device is set outside the range that can be designated. When reading from/writing to a microcomputer program or file register (R), values exceeding the PLC CPU’s parameter setting range was designated Designate the appropriate values within the range that are allowed for each processing A block number designated for an extension file register does not exist Correct the block number Cannot designate a file register (R) Check the device A word device is designated for a command for bit devices. The head number of bit devices is designated by a value other than a multiple of 16 in a command for word devices Correct the command or the designated device 59H Cannot designate an extension file register Check the device 5BH The PLC CPU and the Ethernet module cannot communicate. The PLC CPU cannot process requests from an external device Fix the faulty parts by referring to the abnormal codes appended to the end codes 60H Communication time between the Ethernet module and the PLC CPU exceeded CPU monitoring timer value Increase the CPU monitoring timer value A-PLC Error codes / complete codes Error Code Error Description error Corrective action 10H PC number error (PLC number error) A station with the specified PC number does not exist. (1) The PC number designated with a command is neither “FF” of the local station nor any of the station numbers designated with the MELSECNET link parameters (1) Change the PC number to “FF” of the local station or a station number set in the link parameter, and communicate again 11H Mode error Poor communication between the Ethernet module and the PLC CPU (1) After the Ethernet module receives a request successfully from an external device, the Ethernet module and the PLC CPU could not communicate for some reason (noise, etc.) (1) Communicate again. If an error occurs again, check noise, etc. and replace the Ethernet module, then communicate again 12H Intelligent function module designation error Intelligent function module error (1) The intelligent function module with the buffer memory that can be communicated with, does not exist at the location designated by the intelligent function module number. (For example, the corresponding place is for an input/output module or an empty slot.) (1) Change the data content designated in the control procedure or change the installation location of the intelligent function module, and communicate again 18H Remote error Remote RUN/STOP not accessible. Another module (other Ethernet module, etc.) has already executed remote STOP/PAUSE (1) Check whether or not other module has executed remote STOP/PAUSE. If one of these commands has been executed, cancel it and communicate again 1FH Device error Invalid device specification (1) Review the specified device. (2) Does not access any non-existent device 20H Link error The CPU module of the request destination is disconnected from the data link Check whether or not the PLC CPU with the station number set as PC number is disconnected. Remove the cause of disconnection and connect again 21H Intelligent function module bus error Cannot access the memory of the intelligent function module. (1) The control bus to the intelligent function module is faulty. (2) The intelligent function module is faulty One of the following hardware is faulty: the PLC CPU, base unit, intelligent function module, or Ethernet module. Please consult your nearest dealer Table of Contents Operating system Programming languages Functionality Data area Return Values Funktionen Open Close Read / Write Word DWORD REAL BIT GetLastErrCode SetDevName MQJGetSockErr Q-PLC Error codes / complete codes A-PLC Error codes / complete codes