OpcClient Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Client
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides session based methods to access OPC UA server services.


public class OpcClient : OpcApplicationInstance<OpcTransport, OpcClientSecurity>, IDisposable, IOpcApplicationInstance, IOpcNamespaceResolver, IOpcAddNodesService, IOpcService<OpcAddNodesResponse, OpcAddNodesRequest>, IOpcAddReferencesService, IOpcService<OpcAddReferencesResponse, OpcAddReferencesRequest>, IOpcBrowseService, IOpcService<OpcBrowseResponse, OpcBrowseRequest>, IOpcBrowseNextService, IOpcService<OpcBrowseNextResponse, OpcBrowseNextRequest>, IOpcCallMethodsService, IOpcService<OpcCallMethodsResponse, OpcCallMethodsRequest>, IOpcDeleteNodesService, IOpcService<OpcDeleteNodesResponse, OpcDeleteNodesRequest>, IOpcDeleteReferencesService, IOpcService<OpcDeleteReferencesResponse, OpcDeleteReferencesRequest>, IOpcReadNodesService, IOpcService<OpcReadNodesResponse, OpcReadNodesRequest>, IOpcReadNodesHistoryService, IOpcService<OpcReadNodesHistoryResponse, OpcReadNodesHistoryRequest>, IOpcRegisterNodesService, IOpcService<OpcRegisterNodesResponse, OpcRegisterNodesRequest>, IOpcTranslatePathsService, IOpcService<OpcTranslatePathsResponse, OpcTranslatePathsRequest>, IOpcUnregisterNodesService, IOpcService<OpcUnregisterNodesResponse, OpcUnregisterNodesRequest>, IOpcUpdateNodesHistoryService, IOpcService<OpcUpdateNodesHistoryResponse, OpcUpdateNodesHistoryRequest>, IOpcWriteNodesService, IOpcService<OpcWriteNodesResponse, OpcWriteNodesRequest>

Inheritance ObjectOpcApplicationInstance<OpcTransport, OpcClientSecurity> › OpcClient

Implements IDisposable, IOpcApplicationInstance, IOpcNamespaceResolver, IOpcAddNodesService, IOpcService<OpcAddNodesResponse, OpcAddNodesRequest>, IOpcAddReferencesService, IOpcService<OpcAddReferencesResponse, OpcAddReferencesRequest>, IOpcBrowseService, IOpcService<OpcBrowseResponse, OpcBrowseRequest>, IOpcBrowseNextService, IOpcService<OpcBrowseNextResponse, OpcBrowseNextRequest>, IOpcCallMethodsService, IOpcService<OpcCallMethodsResponse, OpcCallMethodsRequest>, IOpcDeleteNodesService, IOpcService<OpcDeleteNodesResponse, OpcDeleteNodesRequest>, IOpcDeleteReferencesService, IOpcService<OpcDeleteReferencesResponse, OpcDeleteReferencesRequest>, IOpcReadNodesService, IOpcService<OpcReadNodesResponse, OpcReadNodesRequest>, IOpcReadNodesHistoryService, IOpcService<OpcReadNodesHistoryResponse, OpcReadNodesHistoryRequest>, IOpcRegisterNodesService, IOpcService<OpcRegisterNodesResponse, OpcRegisterNodesRequest>, IOpcTranslatePathsService, IOpcService<OpcTranslatePathsResponse, OpcTranslatePathsRequest>, IOpcUnregisterNodesService, IOpcService<OpcUnregisterNodesResponse, OpcUnregisterNodesRequest>, IOpcUpdateNodesHistoryService, IOpcService<OpcUpdateNodesHistoryResponse, OpcUpdateNodesHistoryRequest>, IOpcWriteNodesService, IOpcService<OpcWriteNodesResponse, OpcWriteNodesRequest>

Name Description
OpcClient Initializes a new instance of the OpcClient class.
OpcClient(String) Initializes a new instance of the OpcClient class using the specified serverAddress.
OpcClient(String, OpcSecurityPolicy) Initializes a new instance of the OpcClient class using the specified serverAddress and endpointPolicy.
OpcClient(Uri) Initializes a new instance of the OpcClient class using the specified serverAddress.
OpcClient(Uri, OpcSecurityPolicy) Initializes a new instance of the OpcClient class using the specified serverAddress and endpointPolicy.
Name Description
DefaultDisconnectTimeout Represents the default timeout value that is used by the OpcClient as initial value of the DisconnectTimeout property.
DefaultOperationTimeout Represents the default timeout value that is used by the OpcClient as initial value of the OperationTimeout property.
DefaultReconnectTimeout Represents the default timeout value that is used by the OpcClient as initial value of the ReconnectTimeout property.
DefaultSessionTimeout Represents the default timeout value that is used by the OpcClient as initial value of the SessionTimeout property.
Name Description
BreakDetected Occurs when a connection break has been detected.
CertificateJudgement Occurs when the validation of a opponent application instance certificate has already fulfilled the requirements for valid and trusted certificates, but while being connected the server may behave different regarding its initially offered certificate.
Connected Occurs when the OpcClient has successfully established a connection to the server using a new session.
Connecting Occurs when the OpcClient is about to establish a connection to the server.
DialogRequested Occurs when a monitored item receives an OpcDialogCondition event notification which is not handled by any OpcEventReceivedEventHandler and can be therefore used to explictly respond to OpcDialogCondition events.
Disconnected Occurs when the OpcClient has successfully terminated a connection to the server.
Disconnecting Occurs when the OpcClient is about to terminate a connection to the server.
EventReceived Occurs when a monitored item receives an event notification which is not handled by any other OpcEventReceivedEventHandler.
NotificationReceived Occurs when the OpcClient received a notification message form the server connected to.
Reconnected Occurs when the OpcClient has successfully re-established a broken connection to the server using the previously used session.
Reconnecting Occurs when the OpcClient is about to re-establish a broken connection to the server.
StateChanged Occurs when ever the State property has been changed to a different value.
Name Description
ApplicationName Gets or sets the name of the client application.
Configuration Gets or sets an instance of the OpcApplicationConfiguration class which is used as a low-level representation of the code/file based client application configuration.
DisconnectTimeout Gets or sets the wait time before terminating the attempt to shut-down an activated session.
Interfaces Gets the OpcClientInterfaces instance which provides options to control the access to the different OPC Classic interfaces used/provided by the OpcClient.
Locales Gets a collection of locales supported/used by the client.
Namespaces Gets a read-only collection of namespaces used by the server connected to.
NodeSet Gets or sets the OpcNodeSet which is offered by the server the client is operating on. The OpcClient uses the information in the node set to discover nodes, references and types “offline” (without the need to frequently query the server for the necessary information).
OperationTimeout Gets or sets the wait time before terminating an operation being processed by the server.
ReconnectTimeout Gets or sets the wait time before terminating the attempt to reconnect to a halted session. This does therefore also represent the time between reconnect attempts.
ServerAddress Gets or sets the Uri of the OPC UA server to operate on.
ServerInterfaces Gets a collection of OPC Classic interfaces supported by the server and used by the client. The general available interfaces are listed in the OpcClassicInterfaces class.
Services Gets the OpcClientServices instance which provides direct access to the different OPC UA services used/provided by the OpcClient.
SessionName Gets or sets the name to use for sessions to identify a session of this client.
SessionTimeout Gets or sets the wait time before an active session is handled as expired.
State Gets a value that indicates the current state of the client regarding its channel used to communicate with the endpoint defined by ServerAddress and EndpointPolicy setup via Security.
SystemContext Gets the OpcContext which is used to store the context sensitive data and configuration used by the current OpcClient instance.
UseBreakDetection Gets or sets a value indicating whether a connection break detection is to be used.
UsedEndpoint Gets the OpcEndpointDescription of the servers provided endpoints which has been selected by the client to connect to the server.
UseDynamic Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current OpcClient shall use generic types to represent OPC UA server defined custom types. To do so the client will determine the necessary type information from the server directly after a connection to the server has been established using Connect.
Name Description
AddNode(OpcAddNode) Adds a new node into the address space hierarchy using the command specified.
AddNodes(IEnumerable) Adds one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
AddNodes(OpcAddNode) Adds one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name defined. The according OpcNodeId to identify and access the new node is determined by the service. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcAddInstanceNode) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name defined. The according OpcNodeId to identify and access the new node is determined by the service. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcAddInstanceNode) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcAddInstanceNode) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the type of reference identified by the referenceTypeId specified.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcAddInstanceNode) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the type of reference identified by the referenceTypeId specified.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcReferenceType) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the referenceType specified as the type of reference.
AddObjectNode(OpcObjectType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcReferenceType, OpcAddInstanceNode) Adds a new object node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of object node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the referenceType specified as the type of reference.
AddReference(OpcAddReference) Adds a new reference to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the command specified.
AddReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeCategory) Adds a new reference to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall reference each other. The new reference will be a ParentToChild relation using Organizes as the type of reference.
AddReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeCategory, OpcReferenceDirection) Adds a new reference to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall reference each other using the direction specified. The new reference will use the relation defined by direction using the Organizes as the type of reference.
AddReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeCategory, OpcReferenceDirection, OpcNodeId) Adds a new reference to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall reference each other using the direction specified. The new reference will use the relation defined by direction using the type of reference identified by the referenceTypeId specified.
AddReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeCategory, OpcReferenceDirection, OpcReferenceType) Adds a new reference to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall reference each other using the direction specified. The new reference will use the relation defined by direction using the referenceType specified as the type of reference.
AddReferences(IEnumerable) Adds one or more references to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
AddReferences(OpcAddReference) Adds one or more references to existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name defined. The according OpcNodeId to identify and access the new node is determined by the service. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, Object) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name defined. The according OpcNodeId to identify and access the new node is determined by the service. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, Object) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the ObjectsFolder node using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, Object) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using HasComponent as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the type of reference identified by the referenceTypeId specified.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, Object) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the type of reference identified by the referenceTypeId specified.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcReferenceType) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the referenceType specified as the type of reference.
AddVariableNode(OpcVariableType, OpcName, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, OpcReferenceType, Object) Adds a new variable node into the address space hierarchy using the specified type of variable node to add, which shall be accessible by the name and nodeId defined. The new node will be a child of the node identified by parentNodeId using the referenceType specified as the type of reference.
BrowseNode(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
BrowseNode(OpcNodeId, OpcReferenceType)
BrowseNode(OpcViewDescription, OpcNodeId)
BrowseNode(OpcViewDescription, OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
BrowseNode(OpcViewDescription, OpcNodeId, OpcReferenceType)
CallAction(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId)
CallAction``1(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0)
CallAction``8(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
CallAction``7(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
CallAction``6(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
CallAction``5(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
CallAction``4(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3)
CallAction``3(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2)
CallAction``2(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1)
CallFunc``2(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0)
CallFunc``9(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
CallFunc``8(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
CallFunc``7(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
CallFunc``6(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
CallFunc``5(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2, 3)
CallFunc``4(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1, 2)
CallFunc``3(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, 0, 1)
CallFunc``1(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId)
CallMethod(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId)
CallMethod(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
CallMethod(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, Object)
Connect Establishes a connection to the server identified by the ServerAddress and creates/activates a new session to access the OPC UA services provided by the server.
ConnectCore Performs all necessary tasks to establish a connection to the server identified by the ServerAddress and creates/activates a new session to access the OPC UA services provided by the server.
CreateNodeHistory(Int32, IEnumerable)
CreateNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, IEnumerable)
CreateNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(Int32, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(Int32, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
CreateNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(String, IEnumerable)
CreateNodeHistory(String, Int32, IEnumerable)
CreateNodeHistory(String, Int32, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(String, Int32, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(String, OpcValue)
CreateNodeHistory(String, OpcValue)
CreateSecurity Creates a new instance of the OpcClientSecurity class.
CreateTransport Creates a new instance of the OpcTransport class.
DeleteNode(OpcDeleteNode) Deletes a node from the address space hierarchy using the command specified.
DeleteNode(OpcNodeId) Deletes a node from the address space hierarchy using the identifier of the node which shall be deleted including the references where the node acts as the source and as the target of the reference.
DeleteNode(OpcNodeId, Boolean) Deletes a node from the address space hierarchy using the identifier of the node which shall be deleted including the references where the node acts as the source and optionally (see includeTargetReferences) as the target of the reference.
DeleteNodeHistory(Int32, Int32)
DeleteNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(Int32, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(Int32, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(String, Int32)
DeleteNodeHistory(String, Int32, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(String, Int32, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(String, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistory(String, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(Int32, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(Int32, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(Int32, IEnumerable)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(Int32, Int32, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(Int32, Int32, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(Int32, Int32, IEnumerable)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(OpcNodeId, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(OpcNodeId, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(String, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(String, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(String, IEnumerable)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(String, Int32, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(String, Int32, DateTime)
DeleteNodeHistoryAtTime(String, Int32, IEnumerable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Int32)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Int32, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Int32, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(OpcNodeId, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(OpcNodeId, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(String, Int32)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(String, Int32, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(String, Int32, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(String, Nullable)
DeleteNodeHistoryModified(String, Nullable, Nullable)
DeleteNodes(IEnumerable) Deletes one or more nodes from the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
DeleteNodes(IEnumerable) Deletes one or more nodes from the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall be deleted including the references where the node acts as the source and as the target of the reference.
DeleteNodes(OpcDeleteNode) Deletes one or more nodes from the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
DeleteNodes(OpcNodeId) Deletes one or more nodes from the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall be deleted including the references where the node acts as the source and as the target of the reference.
DeleteReference(OpcDeleteReference) Deletes a reference of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the command specified.
DeleteReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId) Deletes one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall not longer reference each other. The relation is deleted in bidirectional direction using Organizes as the type of reference.
DeleteReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, Nullable) Deletes one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall not longer reference each other using the direction specified. The reference to delete have to be of the relation defined by direction using the Organizes as the type of reference.
DeleteReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, Nullable, OpcNodeId) Deletes one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall not longer reference each other using the direction specified. The reference to delete have to be of the relation defined by direction using the type of reference identified by the referenceTypeId specified.
DeleteReference(OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId, Nullable, OpcReferenceType) Deletes one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the identifiers of the nodes which shall not longer reference each other using the direction specified. The reference to delete have to be of the relation defined by direction using the referenceType specified as the type of reference.
DeleteReferences(IEnumerable) Deletes one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
DeleteReferences(OpcDeleteReference) Deletes one or more references of existing nodes in the address space hierarchy using the commands specified.
DenyIfNotConnected Verifies whether the client is connected to the server.
Disconnect Closes an activated session and terminates the connection to the server.
DisconnectCore Performs all necessary tasks to close an activated session and to terminate the connection to the server.
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the OpcClient and optionally releases the managed resources.
GetDataType(OpcEncoding) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type which is identified by the encoding specified.
GetDataType(OpcName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the name specified.
GetDataType(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type which is identified by the typeId specified.
GetDataType(String) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the name specified.
GetDataType(Type) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which declares the type implemented by the underlyingType specified.
GetDataType(XmlQualifiedName) Retrieves the OpcDataTypeInfo object which is known under the xmlName specified.
GetDataTypes Retrieves all OpcDataTypeInfo objects offered by the IOpcTypeProvider.
GetDataTypeSystem Retrieves the system used to describe the data exchanged via OPC UA using the type of encoding configured by the client and supported by the endpdoint of the server connected to.
GetNodeType(OpcName) Retrieves the OpcNodeTypeInfo object which is known under the name specified.
GetNodeType(OpcNodeId) Retrieves the OpcNodeTypeInfo object which declares the type which is identified by the typeId specified.
GetNodeType(String) Retrieves the OpcNodeTypeInfo object which is known under the name specified.
GetNodeType(Type) Retrieves the OpcNodeTypeInfo object which declares the type implemented by the underlyingType specified.
GetNodeTypes Retrieves all OpcNodeTypeInfo objects offered by the IOpcTypeProvider.
GetNodeTypeSystem Retrieves the system used to describe the type of nodes accessed on the server connected to.
OnBreakDetected(Client.KeepAliveEventArgs) Raises the BreakDetected event of the OpcClient.
OnCertificateJudgement(OpcCertificateJudgementEventArgs) Raises the CertificateJudgement event of the OpcClient.
OnConnected(EventArgs) Raises the Connected event of the OpcClient.
OnConnecting(EventArgs) Raises the Connecting event of the OpcClient.
OnDataChangeReceived(OpcDataChangeReceivedEventArgs) Raises the DataChangeReceived event of the OpcClient.
OnDialogRequested(OpcDialogRequestedEventArgs) Raises the DialogRequested event of the OpcClient.
OnDisconnected(EventArgs) Raises the Disconnected event of the OpcClient.
OnDisconnecting(EventArgs) Raises the Disconnecting event of the OpcClient.
OnEventReceived(OpcEventReceivedEventArgs) Raises the EventReceived event of the OpcClient.
OnNotificationReceived(OpcNotificationReceivedEventArgs) Raises the NotificationReceived event of the OpcClient.
OnReconnected(EventArgs) Raises the Reconnected event of the OpcClient.
OnReconnecting(EventArgs) Raises the Reconnecting event of the OpcClient.
OnStateChanged(OpcClientStateChangedEventArgs) Raises the StateChanged event of the OpcClient.
ReadNode(Int32) Reads the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
ReadNode(Int32, Int32) Reads the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
ReadNode(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute) Reads the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
ReadNode(Int32, OpcAttribute) Reads the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
ReadNode(OpcNodeId) Reads the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
ReadNode(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute) Reads the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
ReadNode(OpcReadNode) Reads the value of an attribute of a node using the specified command.
ReadNode(String) Reads the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
ReadNode(String, Int32) Reads the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
ReadNode(String, Int32, OpcAttribute) Reads the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
ReadNode(String, OpcAttribute) Reads the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
ReadNodeHistory(Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistory(Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistory(Int32, String)
ReadNodeHistory(Int32, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Int32, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Int32, String)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Int32, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, String)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, String)
ReadNodeHistory(Nullable, Nullable, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, String)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, String)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(DateTime, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, String)
ReadNodeHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Int32, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Int32, String)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Int32, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, String)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, String)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, String)
ReadNodeHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, String)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, String)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, String)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, String, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Int32, Int32)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, String)
ReadNodeHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, String, Int32)
ReadNodes(IEnumerable) Reads the Value attribute of the nodes specified by nodeIds.
ReadNodes(IEnumerable) Reads one or more values of one or more attributes of one or more nodes using the specified commands.
ReadNodes(OpcAttribute, IEnumerable) Reads the attribute of the nodes specified by nodeIds.
ReadNodes(OpcAttribute, OpcNodeId) Reads the attribute of the nodes specified by nodeIds.
ReadNodes(OpcNodeId) Reads the Value attribute of the nodes specified by nodeIds.
ReadNodes(OpcReadNode) Reads one or more values of one or more attributes of one or more nodes using the specified commands.
ReadNodesHistory(Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistory(Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistory(Nullable, Nullable, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(DateTime, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryAtTime(IEnumerable, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, Int32, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryModified(Nullable, Nullable, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, Double, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcAggregateType, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, Double, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, OpcNodeId)
ReadNodesHistoryProcessed(DateTime, DateTime, OpcNodeId, OpcReadNodeHistory)
ReadNodeValue(IOpcNodeValue) Reads the Value attribute of the node specified.
ReadNodeValues(IEnumerable) Reads the Value attributes of the nodes specified.
ReadNodeValues(IOpcNodeValue) Reads the Value attributes of the nodes specified.
RegisterNode(OpcNodeId) Registers a node for optimized node access using the identifier of the node. A once registered node needs to be unregistered as soon as the optimized node access is not longer required. This assures that the server can release unused resources reserved for the optimized node access.
RegisterNode(OpcRegisterNode) Registers a node for optimized node access using the command specified.
RegisterNodes(IEnumerable) Registers one or more nodes for optimized node access using the identifiers of the nodes its access shall be optimized. One registered nodes have to be unregistered as soon as the optimized node access is not longer required. This assures that the server can release unused resources reserved for the optimized node access.
RegisterNodes(IEnumerable) Registers one or more nodes for optimized node access using the specified commands.
RegisterNodes(OpcNodeId) Registers one or more nodes for optimized node access using the identifiers of the nodes its access shall be optimized. One registered nodes have to be unregistered as soon as the optimized node access is not longer required. This assures that the server can release unused resources reserved for the optimized node access.
RegisterNodes(OpcRegisterNode) Registers one or more nodes for optimized node access using the specified commands.
ReplaceNodeHistory(Int32, IEnumerable)
ReplaceNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReplaceNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(Int32, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(Int32, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
ReplaceNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(String, IEnumerable)
ReplaceNodeHistory(String, Int32, IEnumerable)
ReplaceNodeHistory(String, Int32, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(String, Int32, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(String, OpcValue)
ReplaceNodeHistory(String, OpcValue)
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, Int32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, Int32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, Int32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Byte, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, Int32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, Int32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, Int32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Guid, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, Int32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, Int32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, Int32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(Int32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(OpcNodeId, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(OpcNodeId, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(OpcNodeId, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(String, Int32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(String, Int32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(String, Int32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(String, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(String, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(String, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(String, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(String, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(String, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, Int32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, Int32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, Int32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, OpcAttribute, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, OpcDataChangeFilter, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeDataChange(UInt32, OpcDataChangeTrigger, OpcDataChangeReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes data changes on the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, Int32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, Int32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Byte, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, Int32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, Int32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Guid, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, Int32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, Int32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(Int32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(OpcNodeId, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(OpcNodeId, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeEvent(String, Int32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(String, Int32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(String, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(String, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(String, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(String, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, Int32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, Int32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, OpcAttribute, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, OpcEventFilter, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeEvent(UInt32, OpcEventReceivedEventHandler) Subscribes events on the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Byte) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Byte, Int32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeNode(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeNode(Byte, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(Byte, Int32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(Byte, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Byte, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Byte, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Guid) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Guid, Int32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeNode(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeNode(Guid, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(Guid, Int32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(Guid, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Guid, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Guid, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Int32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Int32, Int32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeNode(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeNode(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(Int32, Int32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(Int32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(Int32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(OpcNodeId) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(OpcNodeId, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(OpcSubscribeNode) Creates a OpcSubscription using the OpcMonitoredItem setup defined by the command specified.
SubscribeNode(String) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(String, Int32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeNode(String, Int32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeNode(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(String, Int32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(String, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(String, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(String, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(UInt32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, Int32) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the Value attribute.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified to operate on the attribute.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, Int32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, Int32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex specified.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, OpcAttribute) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, OpcAttribute, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNode(UInt32, OpcMonitoringFilter) Subscribes the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
SubscribeNodes(IEnumerable) Creates a OpcSubscription using the OpcMonitoredItem setup defined by the commands specified.
SubscribeNodes(OpcSubscribeNode) Creates a OpcSubscription using the OpcMonitoredItem setup defined by the commands specified.
TranslatePath(IEnumerable) Translates a path starting from the root node using the pathElements specified.
TranslatePath(IEnumerable) Translates a path starting from the root node using the pathElements specified.
TranslatePath(OpcName) Translates a path starting from the root node using the pathElements specified.
TranslatePath(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates a path starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathElements passed.
TranslatePath(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates a path starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathElements passed.
TranslatePath(OpcNodeId, OpcName) Translates a path starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathElements passed.
TranslatePath(OpcNodeId, OpcRelativePath) Translates the path starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified.
TranslatePath(OpcNodeId, OpcRelativePathElement) Translates a path starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathElements passed.
TranslatePath(OpcNodeId, String) Translates the path starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified.
TranslatePath(OpcRelativePathElement) Translates a path starting from the root node using the pathElements specified.
TranslatePath(OpcTranslatePath) Translates a path starting from a dedicated node using the command specified.
TranslatePath(String) Translates the path starting from the root node.
TranslatePaths(IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the root node using the pathsElements specified.
TranslatePaths(IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the root node using the pathsElements specified.
TranslatePaths(IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the root node using the pathsElements specified.
TranslatePaths(IEnumerable) Translates a path starting from the root node using the pathsElements specified.
TranslatePaths(IEnumerable) Translates one or more paths starting from one or more dedicated nodes using the specified commands.
TranslatePaths(IEnumerable) Translates the paths starting from the root node.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathsElements passed.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathsElements passed.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathsElements passed.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates the paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified using the pathsElements passed.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Translates the paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, OpcRelativePath) Translates the paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified.
TranslatePaths(OpcNodeId, String) Translates the paths starting from the node identified by the nodeId specified.
TranslatePaths(OpcTranslatePath) Translates one or more paths starting from one or more dedicated nodes using the specified commands.
TranslatePaths(String) Translates the paths starting from the root node.
UnregisterNode(OpcNodeId) Unregisters a node to not longer optimize its node access using the identifier of the node. The node access to a once unregistered node is not longer optimized.
UnregisterNode(OpcUnregisterNode) Unregisters a node to not longer optimize its node access using the command specified.
UnregisterNodes(IEnumerable) Unregisters one or more nodes to not longer optimize their node access using the identifiers of the nodes. The node access to once unregistered nodes is not longer optimized.
UnregisterNodes(IEnumerable) Unregisters one or more nodes to not longer optimize their node access using the specified commands.
UnregisterNodes(OpcNodeId) Unregisters one or more nodes to not longer optimize their node access using the identifiers of the nodes. The node access to once unregistered nodes is not longer optimized.
UnregisterNodes(OpcUnregisterNode) Unregisters one or more nodes to not longer optimize their node access using the specified commands.
UpdateNodeHistory(Int32, IEnumerable)
UpdateNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, IEnumerable)
UpdateNodeHistory(Int32, Int32, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(Int32, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(Int32, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, IEnumerable)
UpdateNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(OpcNodeId, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(String, IEnumerable)
UpdateNodeHistory(String, Int32, IEnumerable)
UpdateNodeHistory(String, Int32, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(String, Int32, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(String, OpcValue)
UpdateNodeHistory(String, OpcValue)
WriteNode(Int32, Int32, Object) Writes the value to the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
WriteNode(Int32, Int32, OpcAttribute, Object) Writes the value to the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
WriteNode(Int32, Object) Writes the value to the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
WriteNode(Int32, OpcAttribute, Object) Writes the value to the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
WriteNode(OpcNodeId, Object) Writes the value to the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
WriteNode(OpcNodeId, OpcAttribute, Object) Writes the value to the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
WriteNode(OpcWriteNode) Writes one value to one attribute of one node using the specified command.
WriteNode(String, Int32, Object) Writes the value to the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
WriteNode(String, Int32, OpcAttribute, Object) Writes the value to the attribute of the node specified by nodeId and namespaceIndex.
WriteNode(String, Object) Writes the value to the Value attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
WriteNode(String, OpcAttribute, Object) Writes the value to the attribute of the node specified by nodeId.
WriteNodes(IEnumerable) Writes one or more values to one or more attributes of one or more nodes using the specified commands.
WriteNodes(OpcWriteNode) Writes one or more values to one or more attributes of one or more nodes using the specified commands.
WriteNodeValue(IOpcNodeValue, Object) Writes the Value attribute of the node using the further specified value.
WriteNodeValues(IEnumerable) Writes the Value attributes using the nodes and values in the nodeValues specified.
WriteNodeValues(OpcNodeValuePair) Writes the Value attributes using the nodeValues specified.