OpcMonitoredItemStatus Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Client
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides status and server revised setup information which belongs to a specific OpcMonitoredItem.


public class OpcMonitoredItemStatus

Inheritance Object › OpcMonitoredItemStatus

Name Description
Attribute Gets the OpcAttribute being monitored.
Encoding Gets the name of the data encoding used.
Error Gets additional information regarding an issue which applies to the OpcMonitoredItem this OpcMonitoredItemStatus belongs to.
Filter Gets the filter used to evaluate while generating notifications for the OpcMonitoredItem this OpcMonitoredItemStatus belongs to.
Id Gets the server-assigned unique identifier for the OpcMonitoredItem this OpcMonitoredItemStatus belongs to.
IndexRange Gets the range of array indeces to monitor.
IsCreated Gets a value indicating whether the OpcMonitoredItem, to that this OpcMonitoredItemStatus belongs to, has been created.
MonitoringMode Gets the monitoring mode used while monitoring.
NodeId Gets the node identifier of the node being monitored.
QueueMode Gets the mode used to enqueue and dequeue notification data items.
QueueSize Gets the actual value which defines the total number of notifications the server queues for a OpcMonitoredItem.
SamplingInterval Gets the actual sampling interval used by the server for a OpcMonitoredItem.