OpcFileWriteMethodNode.FileWriteExCallback Delegate

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Write is used to write a part of the file starting from the current file position. The file position is advanced by the number of bytes written.


public delegate void FileWriteExCallback(OpcMethodContext context, [OpcArgument("FileHandle", Description = "The file handle associated with the file the data is to be written into.")] uint fileHandle, [OpcArgument("Data", Description = "The buffer containing the bytes to write.")] byte[] data);

Attributes CLSCompliantAttribute


context OpcMethodContext

The OpcMethodContext to use when writing data to the file. This instance will be also updated with the outcome of the method call.

fileHandle UInt32

A file handle indicating the access request and thus indirectly the position inside the file.

data Byte[]

Contains the data to be written at the position of the file. It is server-dependent whether the written data are persistently stored if the session is ended without calling the Close Method with the file handle.


This method does provide the following OpcResult information: * BadInvalidArgumentThe file handle specified by fileHandle or the SessionId is not known. * BadNotWritableThe file might be locked and thus not writable. This is also the case there neither 'CanWrite' nor 'CanUserWrite' grant write access. * BadUnexpectedErrorAn unexpected error occurred while writing the file. * BadInvalidStateThe file was not opened for write access.