OpcNode Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll


public class OpcNode : IOpcNode, IOpcNodeInfo

Inheritance Object › OpcNode


Implements IOpcNode, IOpcNodeInfo

Name Description
AfterApplyChanges Occurs after one or more changes on the node has been notified.
BeforeApplyChanges Occurs before one or more changes on the node are notified.
Name Description
Category Gets the NodeCategoryOpcAttribute which identifies the kind of node and is therefore used to classify the node regarding its use and purpose.
Description Gets or sets the value of the optional DescriptionOpcAttribute which shall explain the meaning of the node.
Descriptions Gets the OpcNodeGlobalization instance used to control the localization and other globalization related tasks for the Description attribute of the current node.
DisplayName Gets or sets the value of the DisplayNameOpcAttribute which defines the localizable name of the node.
DisplayNames Gets the OpcNodeGlobalization instance used to control the localization and other globalization related tasks for the DisplayName attribute of the current node.
HasPendingChanges Gets a value indiciating whether there exists any pending change on the node.
Id Gets the value of the NodeIdOpcAttribute which unambiguously identifies the node.
Name Gets or sets the value of the BrowseNameOpcAttribute which defines the non-localizable human-readable name used when browsing the address space.
Parent Gets the parent node of the node.
PendingChanges Gets a value indicating the most recent changes performed on the node since their last notification.
QueryEventsCallback Gets or sets a callback used to query any event information which belongs to the node.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains additional user data about the node.
UserWriteAccess Gets or sets the value of the optional UserWriteAccessOpcAttribute which exposes the possibilities of a client to write the attributes of the node taking user access rights into account.
WriteAccess Gets or sets the value of the optional WriteAccessOpcAttribute which exposes the posibilities of a client to write the attributes of the node.
Name Description
AddNotifier(OpcContext, IOpcNode)
ApplyChanges(OpcContext) Notifies about changes performed on the node since the last notification and resets the pending changes to None.
ApplyChanges(OpcContext, Boolean) Notifies about changes performed on the node (and optionally on its children) since the last notification and resets the pending changes to None.
AttributeValue(OpcAttribute) Retrieves the value of the attribute specified.
AttributeValue``1(OpcAttribute) Retrieves the value of the attribute specified.
Child(OpcContext, OpcName) Retrieves the child node its Name property matches exactly the name specified.
Children(OpcContext) Retrieves a sequence of all nodes organized as children of this node.
InitializeDefaults Initializes the default values used by the node implementation represented / required.
OnAfterApplyChanges(OpcNodeChangesEventArgs) Raises the AfterApplyChanges event using the event data specified.
OnBeforeApplyChanges(OpcNodeChangesEventArgs) Raises the BeforeApplyChanges event using the event data specified.
QueryEventsCore(OpcNodeContext, OpcEventCollection)
ReadAttributeValueCore``1(OpcReadAttributeValueContext, OpcAttributeValue)
RemoveNotifier(OpcContext, IOpcNode)
ReportEvent(OpcContext, OpcEvent)
UpdateChanges(OpcContext, OpcNodeChanges) Notifies about the changes on behalf of the node and removes pending changes which intersect with the changes specified.
UpdateChanges(OpcContext, OpcNodeChanges, Boolean) Notifies about the changes on behalf of the node (and optionally on its children) and removes pending changes which intersect with the changes specified.
WriteAttributeValueCore``1(OpcWriteAttributeValueContext, OpcAttributeValue)