Traeger Industry Components GmbH

© by TIS


Via TCP/IP to the SIMATIC S7 via HMI/PG protocol (RFC1006)
Documentation for Version 1.72

  • S7-1500
  • S7-1200
  • S7-300/400/200
  • !Logo
  • VIPA S7
  • each S7-compatible PLC
  • MS-Windows Desktop XP/7/8/10 32/64-Bit
  • all MS-Windows Server 32/64-Bit
  • all Linux 32/64-Bit
  • Embedded Linux 32/64Bit
  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • VB
  • Delphi
  • Excel
  • Access
  • PHP and other

Release Notes


  • C/C++, Delphi VB etc.:
    • copy the DLL to the program directory or to the system directory
  • PHP
    • copy the extension ips7lnk_php.dll into the extension directory of the PHP-installation
    • load the module over PHP.ini or in the program
      php.ini: extension = ips7lnk_php.dll
      in the program: ld ('ips7lnk_php.dll');


  • C/C++ and other
    • Link the o. file to your program or create a .so file
  • PHP under Linux
    • copy the extension into the extension directory of the PHP-installation
    • load the module over PHP.ini or in the program
      php.ini: extension =
      in the program: ld ( ́’);

IP-S7-LINK implements the connection of a PC to Industrial Ethernet of the SIMATIC S7. The library is available for various programming languages, operating systems, architectures and platforms. The tool is developed in pure C / C ++ code. It can be ported to any platform / architecture with minimal effort. The library provides the necessary functions for communication. The connection to the PLC is independently controlled by IP-S7-LINK and automatically restored in the event of a fault. Only the IP address of the PLC / CP and the slot of the CPU in the PLC rack are required for the coupling. Immediately, flags, inputs, outputs, data blocks, PLC time etc. can be read and written.

Please note: The functions are executed with the standard socket interface, which means that the function returns to the caller only after the task has been completed.

For asynchronous operation, simply call these functions from a separate thread, which is responsible for communicating with the system. The following functions are available:

IPS7Open / IPS7OpenPG / IPS7OpenS7200

Functions in Detail

Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7Open ips7_open to initialize the connection, there will be only memory prepared. On the first call of the read or write functions the TCP / IP connection is started automatically.
The connection will be established over the OP-Channel
IPS7OpenPG ips7_openpg Since version 1.17, to initialize the connection, there will be only memory prepared. On the first call of the read or write functions the TCP / IP connection is started automatically.
The connection will be established over the PG-Channel
IPS7OpenS7200 ips7_opens7200 Since version 1.21, to initialize the connection, there will be only memory prepared. On the first call of the read or write functions the TCP / IP connection is started automatically.
The connection will be established to a S7-200

Call parameters

Nr data type PHP-data type Name Function
1 32-Bit Pointer to C-Stringstring IPAdr IP-address of the PLC in the Format:
Sample: “”
2 32-Bit unsigned long Rack Number of the Rack, in which the PLC-CPU plugged in. Counting starts with „0“. General 0. No matter when S7-200
3 32-Bit unsigned long Slot Number of the slot of the CPU starting with „1„, general „2“ at S7-300-400 or „1“ at S7-1200/1500. No matter when S7-200
4 32-Bit unsigned long RxTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds for waiting for TCP/IP-Packets from the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 500 ms
5 32-Bit unsigned long TxTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds for sending the TCP/IP-Packets to the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 500 ms
6 32-Bit unsigned long ConTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds waiting for establishing a connection to the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 5000 ms ( 5sec.) must be extended if necessary

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
          DWORD RxTimeout, DWORD TxTimeout, DWORD ConnectTimeout);      
extern long WINAPI
            DWORD RxTimeout, DWORD TxTimeout, DWORD ConnectTimeout);  
extern long WINAPI 
IPS7OpenS7200 (LPCTSTR IPAdr, DWORD Rack, DWORD Slot, 
               DWORD RxTimeout, DWORD TxTimeout, DWORD ConnectTimeout);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7Open (IPAdr : PChar; Rack : LongWord; Slot : LongWord; 
   RxTimeout : LongWord; TxTimeout : LongWord ; ConnectTimeout : LongWord) : LongInt; 
   stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';      
IPS7OpenPG (IPAdr : PChar; Rack : LongWord; Slot : LongWord; 
   RxTimeout : LongWord; TxTimeout : LongWord ; ConnectTimeout : LongWord) : LongInt; 
   stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';      
IPS7OpenS7200 (IPAdr : PChar; Rack : LongWord; Slot : LongWord; 
   RxTimeout : LongWord; TxTimeout : LongWord ; ConnectTimeout : LongWord) : LongInt; 
   stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7Open& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal IPAdr As String, _
                                              ByVal Rack&, ByVal Slot&, _
                                              ByVal RxTimeout&, _
                                              ByVal TxTimeout&, _
                                              ByVal ConnectTimeout&)


Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7OpenEx ips7_openex From version 1.23, to initialize the connection, only memory is prepared. On the first call of the read or write functions the TCP / IP connection is started automatically.
t can establish a connection, by choosing the parameters, to a OP/PG S7200 or connections over a subnet

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit pointer auf C-String string IPAdr IP-Address of the PLC in the format:
2 32-Bit unsigned long Rack Number of the Rack, in which the PLC-CPU plugged in. Counting starts with „0“. General 0. No matter when S7-200
3 32-Bit unsigned long Slot Number of the slot of the CPU starting with „1„, general „2“ at S7-300-400 or „1“ at S7-1200/1500. No matter when S7-200
4 32-Bit unsigned long SubNet-Id Subnet-ID, to be when accessed over a subnet. In the Step-S7 Software is the address as example: 0035 - 0001, then specify 0x00350001.
Used only when Access Mode 10 or 11
5 32-Bit unsigned long DstMPIAdr Target-MPI-Address, if the connection should be established via a subnet. See Access Mode 10 and 11!
6 32-Bit unsigned long AccessMode Type of access:
0 = OP-connection, establishing a connection to the specified CPU by the rack and slot number
1 = PG-connection, establishing a connection to the specified CPU by the rack and slot number
2 = connection to a S7-200 over pluged TCP/IP-CP
3 = connection to a Siemens-Logo-PLC (since 1.60.78)
4 = connection over the channel „other“ (since 1.60.79)
10 = OP-connection on subnet, which is connected to the path indicated by the rack and slot CPU build, subnet ID and DstMPI address to be specified
11 = PG-connection on subnet, which is connected to the path indicated by the rack and slot CPU build subnetID and DstMPI address to be specified
20 = connection to S5-LAN++. The conversion of the real values are then also at MultiRead accesses
7 32-Bit unsigned long RxTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds for waiting for the TCP/IP-Packets from the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 500 ms
8 32-Bit unsigned long TxTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds for sending the TCP/IP-Packets to the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 500 ms
9 32-Bit unsigned long ConTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds waiting for establishing a connection to the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 5000 ms ( 5sec.) must be extended if necessary.

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
            DWORD SubNetId, DWORD DstMPIAdr, DWORD AccessMode, 
            DWORD RxTimeout, DWORD TxTimeout, DWORD ConnectTimeout);    

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7OpenEx (IPAdr : PChar; Rack : LongWord; Slot : LongWord; 
            SubNetId : LongWord; DstMPIAdr : LongWord;	AccessMode : LongWord;
            RxTimeout : LongWord; TxTimeout : LongWord ; ConnectTimeout : LongWord) : LongInt; 
			stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';   

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7OpenEx& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal IPAdr As String, _
                                                ByVal Rack&, ByVal Slot&, _
                                                ByVal SubNetId&, ByVal DstMPIAdr&, ByVal AccessMode&, _
                                                ByVal RxTimeout&, _
                                                ByVal TxTimeout&, _
                                                ByVal ConnectTimeout&)


Works as IPS7OpenEx. But this functions provides the feature to pass an LocalTSAP and RemoteTSAP. So any connections to the PLC with custom TSAPs can be used. The length of TSAPs is fixed to 2 bytes. This feature can be used e.g. for connect to Logo8. There the TSAP for a channel can be configured in the PLC.
Example: In the PLC is configured:

  • local TSAP: 00.02 → RemoteTSAP[0] = 0x00; RemoteTSAP[1] = 0x02;
  • remote TSAP: 00.03 → LocalTSAP[0] = 0x00; LocalTSAP[1] = 0x03;

Note: Local / Remote are in relation to the partner.

Name Name (PHP) purpose
IPS7OpenExWithTSAP ips7_openexwithtsap


Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit pointer auf C-String string IPAdr IP-Address of the PLC in the format:
2 32-Bit unsigned long Rack Number of the Rack, in which the PLC-CPU plugged in. Counting starts with „0“. General 0. No matter when S7-200
3 32-Bit unsigned long Slot Number of the slot of the CPU starting with „1„, general „2“ at S7-300-400 or „1“ at S7-1200/1500. No matter when S7-200
4 32-Bit unsigned long SubNet-Id Subnet-ID, to be when accessed over a subnet. In the Step-S7 Software is the address as example: 0035 - 0001, then specify 0x00350001.
Used only when Access Mode 10 or 11
5 32-Bit unsigned long DstMPIAdr Target-MPI-Address, if the connection should be established via a subnet. See Access Mode 10 and 11!
6 32-Bit unsigned long AccessMode Type of access:
0 = OP-connection, establishing a connection to the specified CPU by the rack and slot number
1 = PG-connection, establishing a connection to the specified CPU by the rack and slot number
2 = connection to a S7-200 over pluged TCP/IP-CP
3 = connection to a Siemens-Logo-PLC (since 1.60.78)
4 = connection over the channel „other“ (since 1.60.79)
10 = OP-connection on subnet, which is connected to the path indicated by the rack and slot CPU build, subnet ID and DstMPI address to be specified
11 = PG-connection on subnet, which is connected to the path indicated by the rack and slot CPU build subnetID and DstMPI address to be specified
20 = connection to S5-LAN++. The conversion of the real values are then also at MultiRead accesses
7 32-Bit unsigned long RxTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds for waiting for the TCP/IP-Packets from the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 500 ms
8 32-Bit unsigned long TxTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds for sending the TCP/IP-Packets to the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 500 ms
9 32-Bit unsigned long ConTimeout Timeout in Milliseconds waiting for establishing a connection to the PLC, 0 is standard settings = 5000 ms ( 5sec.) must be extended if necessary.
10 pointer auf BYTE Array der Länge 2 BYTE * LocalTSAP
11 pointer auf BYTE Array der Länge 2 BYTE * RemoteTSAP

C/C++ Function Declaration

extern long WINAPI
            DWORD SubNetId, DWORD DstMPIAdr, DWORD AccessMode, 
            DWORD RxTimeout, DWORD TxTimeout, DWORD ConnectTimeout, BYTE *LocalTSAP, BYTE *RemoteTSAP;    

Delphi / Pascal Function Declaration

IPS7OpenExWithTSAP (IPAdr : PChar; Rack : LongWord; Slot : LongWord; 
            SubNetId : LongWord; DstMPIAdr : LongWord;	AccessMode : LongWord;
            RxTimeout : LongWord; TxTimeout : LongWord ; ConnectTimeout : LongWord; LocalTSAP :PBYTE, RemoteTSAP :PBYTE ) : LongInt; 
			stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';   

Visual Basic Function Declaration

Declare Function IPS7OpenExWithTSAP& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal IPAdr As String, _
                                                ByVal Rack&, ByVal Slot&, _
                                                ByVal SubNetId&, ByVal DstMPIAdr&, ByVal AccessMode&, _
                                                ByVal RxTimeout&, _
                                                ByVal TxTimeout&, _
                                                ByVal ConnectTimeout&, _
                                                LocalTSAP as Byte, _
                                                RemoteTSAP as Byte, _

Return Values

Return Values

Value Error description Description
>= 0 OK The return value is the reference number for this connection and must be used as input parameter Ref for all other functions
-2 No free resource Maximum reach of available connections
-10 AccessMode not possible (since 1.23) if use of a illegal number for AccessMode. See IPS7OpenEx AccessMode


Disables the connection, clears memory and disconnects the TCP/IP connection.

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit value unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7Close (long Ref);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7Close (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; stdcall; 
external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';    

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7Close& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&)
Return value
The function provides a signed 32-bit return value with the following meaning:
Value Error description Meaning/Reaction
0 OK Memory again enabled and connection closed, if available
-3 No IPS7Open was performed with the specified reference number Did you called IPS7Open?
-99 The reference number is invalid
-30 only PHP The number or type of passed parameters is incorrect
-31 only PHP The internal conversion of the data could not be performed, e.g. A string was passed where long is necessary


Executes an explicit connection to the PLC. From version 1.35 onwards! This allows the connection to the PLC to be established without a read/write request.

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7Connect (long Ref);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7Connect (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Return value

Value Error description
1 Connection established
⇐ 0 Connection could not be established. The exact meaning can be found in the return values for the read / write functions


Checks the TCP/IP connection status to the PLC.

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI 
IPS7GetConnectStatus (long Ref); 

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7GetConnectStatus ( Ref : LongInt) : LongInt;  
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7GetConnectStatus& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&)

Return value

Value Error description
1 Connection established and alive
⇐ 0 Connection is interrupted. Possibly call IPS7Connect, read or write function


Since V 1.35! Sets individual TCP/IP KeepAlive times for the connection specified by Ref. Must only be used if the default values do not apply.
You should execute this function immediately after the “Open” call.

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-bit unsigned long AliveTime If no data traffic on the TCP/IP connection takes place within the time AliveTime (ms), a KeepAlive telegram is sent to check the connection. If an error is detected during this check, the IP stack sends a next KeepAlive telegram within the time AliveInterval (ms). This is repeated several times within the time AliveInterval (Win 6 times). If the operation is not successful, the connection is terminated
3 32-bit unsigned long AliveInterval The interval in ms, in which KeepAlive telegrams are repeated. This is activated if an error occurred while sending / receiving a KeepAlive telegram

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7SetKeepAlive (long Ref, DWORD AliveInterval, DWORD AliveTime);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7SetKeepAlive (Ref : LongInt; AliveInterval : Longword; AliveTime : Longword) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7SetKeepAlive& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal AliveInterval&, ByVal AliveTime&)

Return value

Value Error description
0 Setting the values was successful
< 0 Setting the keep-alive time could not be executed


By default, TCP/IP port 102 (RFC 1006) is used. With IPS7SetTCPPort it can be changed. You should execute this function immediately after the “Open” call.

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-Bit unsigned long Port Number of the new TCP/IP-Port 1 - 65565

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7SetTCPPort (long Ref, unsigned long Port);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7SetTCPPort (Ref : LongInt, Port : LongWord) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';    

Return value

Value Error description Meaning/Reaction
0 OK Memory again enabled and connection closed, if available
-3 No IPS7Open was performed with the specified reference number Did you called IPS7Open?
-99 The reference number is invalid
-30 only PHP The number or type of passed parameters is incorrect
-31 only PHP The internal conversion of the data could not be performed, e.g. A string was passed where long is necessary


Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7GetSockErr ips7_getsockerr Returns the last socket error

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetSockErr (long Ref);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7GetSockErr (Ref : LongInt) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7GetSockErr& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&)

Return Values

Value Error description Meaning/Reaction
0 OK There are no errors
-3 No IPS7Open was performed with the specified reference number Did you called IPS7Open?
-99 The reference number is invalid
Others Socket error For explanation see list below

IP-S7-LINK provides read and write functions for each data type.
The data type functions differ in the call parameters. In the following, the methods with the same parameters are grouped together.


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdB ips7_rdb read byte-wise (I,O,F,P,DB)
IPS7WrB ips7_wrb write byte-wise (I,O,F,P,DB,Z)


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdW ips7_rdw read word-wise (I,O,F,P,DB)
IPS7RdPlcW ips7_rdplcw read word-wise (I,O,F,P,DB)
but start address after PLC addressing
to access unsigned start addresses
IPS7WrW ips7_wrw write word-wise (I,O,F,P,DB,Z)
IPS7WrPlcW ips7_wrplcw write word-wise (I,O,F,P,DB,Z)
but start address after PLC addressing
to access unsigned start addresses


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdDW ips7_rddw read double word-wise (I,O,F,P,DB,T)
IPS7WrDW ips7_wrdw write double word-wise (I,O,F,P,DB,T)


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdReal ips7_rdreal read real (floating point) (I,O,F,P,DB))
IPS7WrReal ips7_wrreal write real (floating point (I,O,F,P,DB))


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdLInt ips7_rdlint read LInt (64 Bit) (I,O,F,P,DB)
IPS7WrLInt ips7_wrlint write LInt (64 Bit) (I,O,F,P,DB)


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdULInt ips7_rdulint read ULInt (64 Bit) (I,O,F,P,DB)
IPS7WrULInt ips7_wrulint write ULInt (64 Bit) (I,O,F,P,DB)


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdString ips7_rdstring read String (I,O,F,P,DB)
Start address after PLC addressing
1.Byte possible length
2. Byte actual length
from 3. Byte data
(sample address: DB0.DBB0, from DB0.DBB2 stand the actual data).
IP-S7-LINK reads the possible length of the string
→ Shortens to actual length
→ adds NULL-CHAR ('\0') at the end
IPS7WrString ips7_wrstring write String (I,O,F,P,DB)
Start address after PLC addressing.
Length of the transferred string is determined and written to the contents of the content.
Attention! Define your data area large enough so that no existing process data can be overwritten

Call parameters

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-Bit unsigned long Type The selection of the memory area in the PLC (DB, input, output, flag), which is to be edited:
'D' = 68 dec. Stands for data block
'E' = 69, dec. Stands for inputs
'A' = 65 dec. Stands for outputs
'M' = 77 dec. Stands for flag
'P' = 80 dec. Stands for peripheral
'T' = 84 dec. Stands for timers (only possible with double word functions). The timers are stored in the PLC with time base and value in the BCD format. In order to process this format immediately in the PC, the driver performs an automatic conversion in milliseconds. The smallest possible raster is 10 ms. When writing to the PLC, the driver automatically selects a suitable time base. This can lead to rounding. The time range is from 0 to 9990000 ms
'Z' = 90 dec. Stands for counter (only possible with word functions). The counters are stored in the PLC BCD-coded. The counter values range from 0 - 999
3 32-Bit unsigned 32-Bit value unsigned DBNr Data block number, this is only used for type 'D'. Otherwise, the value “0”
4 32-Bit unsigned 32-Bit value unsigned From First word or byte from which to read or write.
For word operations Start word
For byte, double word and real functions Start byte
For timer or counter, this is the number of the first element to be read
5 32-Bit unsigned 32-Bit value unsigned Count Number of units (byte, words, double words, real or units, e.g. timers) to be read or written
6 32-Bit Pointer mixed Buffer The address to the source or target memory in the PC.
For word functions, this is a pointer to a field of 16-bit-wide words.
For the Byte functions, this is an address on a field with 8-bit-wide bytes.
For double-word pointers to Long
For real pointers to a Double
Note for PHP:
For PHP, specify the reference of a variable
Comment on ips7_rdplcw, ips7_rdw, ips7_rddw, ips7_rdreal}} Call for example.: &Result = ips7_rdplcw ($Ref, ord (“M”), 0, 6,5, &$W);
If more than one element is read, the variable is converted into an array of type long or double. If only one value is read and the variable is not an array, the value is stored as long.
If the variable is already an array and only one value is read, the result is stored in the first element of the array. Duplicates (ips7_rddw) are always processed with signs (signed)
7 ———long (optional) bSigned at ipss7_rdplcw, ips7_rdw, ips7_wrplcw, ips7_wrdw
bLong at ips7_rdb
Note for PHP: ips7_rdplcw, ips7_rdw, ips7_wrplcw, ips7_wrdw
Optionally, it can be determined whether the values should be read as signed or unsigned 16-bit integers. If the parameter is not specified, the operation is always signed. We pass the parameters:
0 = without sign (unsigned)
1 = with sign
In addition, the functions ips7_i2w and ips7_w2i are available for a subsequent conversion of individual values. You can find more information here. ips7_rdb Ips7_rdb saves the result as a string. However, if you want to use the values simply as an array, you can use bLong = 1 to store the result as long.Array.

Please pay attention to word-wise access

For word-by-word access, please check whether you want to use the initial address according to PLC syntax, or the computationally correct.
You must use IPS7RdPlcW or IPS7RdW or IPS7WrPlcW or IPS7RdW.

The PC and the PLC have different addressing modes. In the S7, the memory area is byte-wise oriented. This is how you address the MB0 and MB1 from the viewpoint of the PLC programmer with MW 0, but the MB1 and MB2 with MW1. You can see that MW0 and MW1 overlap in MB1.
Prior to version 1.17, it was only possible to access straight start addresses with the word functions. As of V 1.17, access to unsigned start addresses is possible with the functions S7RdPlcW and S7WrPlcW . If you now want to read MW 1, as the PLC programmer sees, call:
IPS7RdPlcW (Ref, 'M', 0, 1, 1, word buffer); !!! Note this with word operations with S7RdW and S7WrW !!!
Example of flag. This also applies to inputs, outputs and data words. The word addressing in the PLC uses the following bytes:

Word address Assigned bytes
MW0 MB 0 and MB 1
MW1 MB 1 and MB 2
MW2 MB 2 and MB 3

You can see that the use of unsigned word addresses can result in a double assignment. Therefore the word functions (IPS7RdW and IPS7WrW) only support access to even word addresses. This means that the start word number in the driver is always multiplied by 2. This method allows a simple image of the PLC memory in the PC. So a word step in the PC are 16 bits in the PC and 16 bits in the PLC. Example:
WORD Buf [64];
The call IPS7RdW (Ref, Type, DBNr, 0, 5, Buf) has the following effect:

Buf[0] DW 0
Buf[1] DW 2
Buf[2] DW 4

So you have to halve the starting word number in order to access with the PC correctly. This also applies to data blocks → unsigned word addresses of the PLC can not be read or written word by word.
If you still want to address unsigned start addresses, use the IPS7RdPlcW and IPS7WrPlcW functions.

Additional functions for PHP

long ips7_w2i(mixed Buffer,long Count);
Convert unsigned 16-Bit - value in signed 16-Bit value

long ips7_i2w(mixed Buffer, long Count);
Convert signed 16-Bit - value in unsigned 16-Bit value

Parameter Description / Purpose
Buffer Reference to the long values (array) or the long value to be converted
Count Count of the values

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdW (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD AbWort, DWORD WortAnz, LPWORD Buffer) ;
extern long WINAPI // 1.17
IPS7RdPlcW (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD AbWort, DWORD WortAnz, LPWORD Buffer) ;
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdB (long Ref, DWORD Typ,  DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, DWORD Anz, LPBYTE Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7WrW (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, DWORD Anz, LPWORD Buffer);
extern long WINAPI // 1.17
IPS7WrPlcW (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, DWORD Anz, LPWORD Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7WrB (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, DWORD Anz, LPBYTE Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
extern long WINAPI
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdReal (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, DWORD Anz, double *Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7WrReal (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, DWORD Anz, double *Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdULInt (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, UINT64 *Buffer) ;
extern long WINAPI 
IPS7WrULInt (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, UINT64 *Buffer) ;
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdLInt (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, INT64 *Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7WrLInt (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, INT64 *Buffer);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7RdW (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PWORD)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdPlcW (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PDWORD)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdB (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword;  DBNr: Longword;
  Ab : Longword;  Anz : Longword; Buffer: PBYTE) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrW (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword; Buffer : PWORD)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrPlcW (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PDWORD)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrB (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword;  DBNr: Longword;
  Ab : Longword;  Anz : Longword; Buffer : PBYTE) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdDW (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PDWORD)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrDW (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PDWORD)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdReal (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PDOUBLE)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrReal (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  AbWort : Longword; WortAnz : Longword;  Buffer : PDOUBLE)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7RdW& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Integer)
Declare Function IPS7RdPlcW& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Integer)
Declare Function IPS7RdB& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Byte)
Declare Function IPS7WrW& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Integer)
Declare Function IPS7WrW& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Integer)
Declare Function IPS7WrB& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Byte)
Declare Function IPS7RdDW& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Long)
Declare Function IPS7WrDW& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Long)
Declare Function IPS7RdReal& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Double)
Declare Function IPS7WrReal& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal AbWort&, ByVal WortAnz&, Wert As Double)

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdStr (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Start, DWORD Cnt, LPSTR Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7WrStr (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Ab, LPSTR Buffer);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7RdStr (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  Start : Longword; Cnt : Longword;  Buffer : STRING)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrStr (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  Ab : Longword; Buffer : STRING)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7RdStr& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal Start&, ByVal Cnt&, Wert As String)
Declare Function IPS7WrStr& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal Ab&, Wert As String)


Name Name(PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7RdBit ips7_rdbit read a Bit (I,O,F,P,DB)
IPS7SetBit ips7_setbit set a Bit (I,O,F,P,DB)
IPS7ResetBit ips7_resetbit reset a Bit in the PLC (I,O,F,P,DB)

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-Bit unsigned long Typ The selection of the memory area in the PLC (DB, input, output, flag), which is to be edited:
'D' = 68 dec. Stands for data block
'E' = 69, dec. Stands for inputs
'A' = 65 dec. Stands for outputs
'M' = 77 dec. Stands for flag
'P' = 80 dec. Stands for peripheral
3 32-Bit unsigned long DBNr Data block number, this is only used for type 'D'. Otherwise, the value “0”
4 32-Bit unsigned long Ab Byte address e.g. M 10.0, then here is 10. Note the difference between IPS7RdW and IPS7RdPlcW or IPS7WrW and IPS7WrPlcW. See below!
5 32-Bit unsigned long Bit BitNr must be between 0 and 7, e.g. At M 5.4, here is 4
6 32-Bit Adresse mixedBuffer This parameter is only for IPS7RdBit
The address to the destination memory in the PC. Pointer to a byte. If bBit is set content 1 else 0.
Example: read M 6.5
IPS7RdBit (Ref, 'M', 0, 6.5 & W);
Note for PHP:
For PHP, specify the reference of a variable as follows:
ips7_rdbit (Ref, ord (“M”), 0, 6,5, & $ W);
This variable is automatically converted to a “long”. Therefore, use a variable that has not yet been used. The state of the bit (0 or 1) is thus stored as long

C/C++ Functional Declaration

<code c>
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdBit (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Byte, DWORD Bit, LPBYTE Buffer);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7SetBit (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Byte, DWORD Bit);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7ResetBit (long Ref, DWORD Typ, DWORD DBNr, DWORD Byte, DWORD Bit); 

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7RdBit (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword;  DBNr: Longword;
           ByteNr : Longword;  BitNr : Longword; Buffer: PBYTE) : LongInt; 
		   stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7SetBit (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword;  DBNr: Longword;
            ByteNr : Longword;  BitNr : Longword) : LongInt; 
			stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7ResetBit (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword;  DBNr: Longword;
            ByteNr : Longword;  BitNr : Longword) : LongInt; 
			stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Visual Basic Functional Declaration

Declare Function IPS7RdBit& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal ByteNr&, ByVal BitNr&, Wert As Byte)
Declare Function IPS7SetBit& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal ByteNr&, ByVal BitNr&)
Declare Function IPS7ResetBit& Lib "IPS7LNK.dll" (ByVal Ref&, ByVal Typ&, ByVal DBNr&, ByVal ByteNr&, ByVal BitNr&)

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7RdULInt (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  Start : Longword; Cnt : Longword;  Buffer : UInt64)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrULInt (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  Start : Longword; Cnt : Longword;  Buffer : UInt64)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdLInt (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  Start : Longword; Cnt : Longword;  Buffer : Int64)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7WrLInt (Ref : LongInt; Typ : Longword; DBNr : Longword; 
  Start : Longword; Cnt : Longword;  Buffer : Int64)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

Explanation of PHP
In PHP the variables are basically not assigned to a fixed datatype. The determination of the data type therefore takes the expansion module. Basically, the target or source variable for the read / write buffer (= parameter 6) must be passed as a reference. So use the “&” character. E.g. $Res = ips7_rdplcw ($Ref, ord (“M”), 0, 0, 2, &$Values);

Because there are no 16-bit values in PHP, the 16-bit data is stored as long. The word functions store the result in a long array; if only one unit is read, the result is saved as a single long if the variable is not yet an array. The reading and writing of words (16 bits) is always done with a sign. That the value is interpreted as a 16-bit integer. If the values are handled as unsigned 16-bit, then observe the optional parameter 7 (bSigned). The ByteFunctions store the result basically as a string, however, if you want to simply call the values as a long array, you can use bLong = 1 to store the result as a long array.

Read mixed data areas


Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7RdMulti ips7_rdmulti Performs a mixed read job. For the jobs, a list / array of records / structures of the type “IPS7_RQ_MULTI” is filled out and the function is passed on. The function sorts and bundles these jobs and optimizes them.
The reading sequence is one Other than the order of the handed list

IPS7RdMulti automatically performs data conversion between S7 and PC. The conversion is to be compared with data type casting in the programming language. The bit width of the dataType in the PC must be equal to or greater than that in the PLC.
The caller has to provide a correspondingly large target area.
This means: For example, Two 16-bit values (total 32 bits) are read and converted into double values (64 bits) in the PC, two double values (total 128 bits) must also be provided in the PC.

The convertation looks as in the example:

Value in the PLC Value in the PC
6 6.0
1 1.0

The PLC and PC data types are selected in the request. Coded using constants as described below.


Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7RdMultiCalcPacketCnt ips7_rdmulticalcpacketcnt The return value is the number of communication packets required to read all multiread jobs. This can be used to check whether all desired variables can be read in one piece. This is the case if the return value == 1. Please note the return value:
> = 0 the number of packets
<0 an error has occurred, evaluation as below

Return Values

Return Values Read/Write

When the IPS7RdMulti function is used, the return value is stored in the Struct element “Res”.
Value Error description Reaction
0 OK Evaluate data
2 Block or data area does not exist, e.g. Access to DB that is not present or too small Check whether the desired data area is present in the PLC
-1 Time overflow, desired PLC apparently not or no longer present The driver automatically sets up additional write and read jobs. Possibly the timeout times extend in particular the Connect timeout time
-2 The maximum number (256) of the possible connections is reached Close unnecessary connections
-3 Can occur with Close. No Open was executed with the specified reference Check your source code to see if the variable for the reference has not been overwritten. Or a close has already been executed for this reference
-5 General Error occurred Check if network is properly installed in the PC: TCP/IP activated? Winsocket installed?
-6 Destination CPU not found Rack or Slot number is wrong. There is no connection to this slot anymore. Check CP configuration
-7 Socket error occurred Call IPS7GetSockErr and evaluate the error
-8 memory error Requested memory in the PC is not available
-9 out of range e.g. Timer > 9990000 ms
-10 Data type not allowed or not supported Check if the code is correct for datatype
-11 The specified PC data type is not possible for the specified PLC data range This may e.g. If the counter is to be accessed and the PC data area is specified as BYTE. Remedy: Change the data area in the PC
-20 The specified memory in the PC is too small (for example, array is too small), can only occur with .net or PHP Data area in the PC enlarge or correct
-21 Only .Net! An Open has already been executed for this instance of the class You may want to call Close
-31 Only MultiRead: PC and S7-datatype are in the wrong relation, e.g. PC = BYTE PLC = word Adjust the PC data area
-32 Only MultiRead: S7 provides incorrect number of data for the specified datatype
-88 Only MultiRead: The corresponding task has not yet been processed
-99 The reference number is invalid Have you called IPS7Open?
4660 Demo time has expired by full version

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdMulti (long Ref, IPS7_RQ_MULTI *pRqList, DWORD Cnt);
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdMultiSimplex (long Ref, IPS7_RQ_MULTI *pRqList, DWORD Cnt); // 1.36
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdMultiBuffered (long Ref, IPS7_RQ_MULTI_BUFFERED *pRqList, DWORD Cnt); // 1.40
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdMultiGetData (long Ref, IPS7_RQ_MULTI_BUFFERED *pRq, void *pData); // 1.40
extern long WINAPI
IPS7RdMultiCalcPacketCnt (long Ref, IPS7_RQ_MULTI *pRqList, DWORD Cnt);

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7RdMulti (Ref : LongInt; pRqList : PIPS7_RQ_MULTI; Cnt : Longword)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdMultiSimplex (Ref : LongInt;  pRqList : PIPS7_RQ_MULTI; Cnt : Longword) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdMultiBuffered (Ref : LingInt; pRqList : IPS7_RQ_MULTI_BUFFERED; Cnt : LongWord) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
IPS7RdMultiGetData (Ref : LongInt; pRq : IPS7_RQ_MULTI_BUFFERED; pData : Pointer) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';   
IPS7RdMultiCalcPacketCnt (Ref : LongInt; pRqList : Pointer; Cnt : Longword;) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
The structure of the request record / structure for IPS7RdMulti
Name Type Description / Purpose
DataArea 32-Bit
The selection of the memory area in the PLC (DB, input, output, flag), which is to be edited:
D = 68 dec. Stands for data block
E = 69 dec. Stands for inputs
A = 65 dec. Stands for outputs
M = 77 dec. Stands for flag
T = 84 dec. Stands for Timer
(only possible with double word functions)
The timers are stored in the PLC with time base and value in the BCD format. In order to process this format immediately in the PC, the driver performs an automatic conversion in milliseconds. The smallest possible raster is 10 ms. When writing to the PLC, the driver automatically selects a suitable time base. This can lead to rounding. The time range is from 0 to 9990000 ms
Z = 90 dec. Stands for counter
The counters are also stored in the PLC BCD-coded. The counter values range from 0 - 999
DataType 32-Bit
data type in the PLC
Name Value SPS-data type / bit width
IPS7_BIT 0 A Bit / Boolean
IPS7_BYTE 1 Byte (8Bit)
IPS7_WORD 2 WORD 16 Bit unsigned integer
IPS7_INT 3 INT 16 Bit signed
IPS7_DWORD 4 DWORD 32 Bit unsigned integer
IPS7_DINT 5 long 32 Bit signed integer
IPS7_REAL 6 S7Real
IPS7_TIMER 7 Timer in the S7
IPS7_COUNTER 8 Counter in the S7
IPS7_ULINT 10 UINT 64 Bit unsigned integer
DBNr 32-Bit
Data block number, this is only used for type 'D'. Otherwise the value 0
Cnt 32-Bit
Number of data elements to be read / written
Start 32-Bit
Start byte in the PLC
StartBit 32-bit
The number of the first bit in the PLC, values (0 - 7), is only used for bit accesses, otherwise 0
PCDataType 32-Bit
data type in the PC
Name Value data type in the PLC
PC_BYTE 0 Byte (8 Bit)
PC_WORD16 1 16 Bit unsigned integer
PC_INT16 2 16 Bit signed integer
PC_WORD32 3 32 Bit unsigned integer
PC_INT32 4 32 Bit signed integer
PC_FLOAT 5 32 Bit floating point in the PC (float)
PC_DOUBLE 6 64 Bit floating point in the PC (double)
PC_WORD64 7 64 Bit unsigned integer
PC_INT64 8 64 Bit signed integer
Result 32-Bit
Result for this order. The individual values can be found below in the description: Return values for Read / Write functions
UserData_0 32-Bit
This entry can be used by the caller to access its own information. The value is neither evaluated nor changed by the driver. Thus, e.g. Additional information about the properties of the variable can be stored in the PC
UserData_1 32-Bit
Data 32-Bit
The actual pointer to the memory area in the PC for this job
pUserData 32-Bit
Such as UserData_0 and UserData_1, but as a pointer

IPS7RdMulti Sample C/C++

   // Small function for initializing a single request
   void InitRq (IPS7_RQ_MULTI *pRq, long DataArea, long DataType, long PcDataArea,
                long DBNr, long Start, long StartBit, long Cnt, void *pData)
     pRq->DataArea = DataArea;
     pRq->DataType = DataType; 
     pRq->DBNr = DBNr;
     pRq->Cnt = Cnt;
     pRq->Start = Start; 
     pRq->StartBit = StartBit; 
     pRq->PcDataType = PcDataArea; 
     pRq->Data = pData;
   void DemoRdMulti (int Ref) 
      int EBits[64];
      BYTE EBytes[64];
      WORD MWords[32];
      WORD DB10Words [150];
      double DB10WordsAsDouble [150]; 
      float DB20RealAsFloat [60]; 
      LONG32 TimerAsInt [10];
      int Cnt = 10; 
      int Res;
      IPS7_RQ_MULTI Rq[10] ; // Max. 10 Requests; 
      memset (Rq, 0, sizeof (Rq));
      Cnt = 0;
      // read from E 4.0 32 Bit
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘E’, IPS7_BIT, PC_BYTE, 0, 4, 0, 32, EBits); 
      // read from EB0 20 Bytes and put it down [20]
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘E’, IPS7_BYTE, PC_BYTE, 0, 0, 0, 20, &EBytes[20]); 
      //read from MB 20 10 words
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘M’, IPS7_WORD, PC_WORD16, 0, 20, 0, 1, MWords); 
      //read DB10 from data byte 0 150 words
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘D’, IPS7_WORD, PC_WORD16, 10, 0, 0, 150, DB10Words); 
      //read DB20 from data byte 0 150 words put these but as double in the PC
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘D’, IPS7_WORD, PC_DOUBLE, 10, 0, 0, 150, DB10WordsAsDouble); 
      //read DB20 from data byte 6 60 real values and place these as float values in the PC
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘D’, IPS7_REAL, PC_FLOAT, 10, 6, 0, 60, DB20RealAsFloat);
      //read from Timer 5 10 Timer and set it as int
      InitRq (&Rq[Cnt++], ‘T’, IPS7_TIMER, PC_WORD32, 0, 5, 0, 10, TimerAsInt); // T5 10 Timer
      Res = IPS7RdMulti(Ref, Rq, Cnt);
      for (int i = 0; i < Cnt; i++) 
         if (Rq[i].Result == 0) // OK 
             //.. evaluate and process data
              // handle exception


Name Name (PHP) Description/purpose
IPS7ReadDiagBuffer Read diagnostic buffer

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 S7_EVENTENTRY Pointer mixed pEvent Pointer on the structure of the event, see above. Data are written to each other in a large format (16-bit Word, 8-Bit Priority …)
3 32-Bit MaxEvents Number of events to be read
4 32-Bit pRxEventCnt Pointer to the actual count of selected events

C/C++ Functional Declaration

typedef struct {

BYTE Year;
BYTE Month;
BYTE Hour;
BYTE Minute;
BYTE Second;
BYTE Centisecond;
BYTE Millisecond;


typedef struct {

WORD EventId;
BYTE Priority;
BYTE Reserved[2];
BYTE Info1[2];
BYTE Info2[4];
const char *Text;


extern long WINAPI IPS7ReadDiagBuffer(long Ref, S7_EVENTENTRY *pEvent, int MaxEvents, int *pRxEventCnt); </code>

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

IPS7ReadDiagBuffer (Ref : LongInt; pEvent : Pointer; MaxEvents : Int; 
  pRxEventCnt : Pointer;)  : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';


Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7GetPLCTime ips7_getplctime Reads the system time of the PLC

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Year Pointer to the 32-bit value for the year (after read you will find for example 2012)
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Month Pointer to the 32 bit value for the month (1-12)
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Day Pointer to the 32 bit value for the day (1 -31)
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Hour Pointer to the 32 bit value for the hour (0 – 23)
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Min Pointer to the 32 bit value for the minute (0 – 59)
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Sec Pointer to the 32 bit value for the second (0-59)
2 32-Bit Pointer
to 32 Bit value
long Ms Pointer to the 32 bit value for the millisecond ( 0-999)

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetPLCTime (long Ref, long *pYear, long *pMonth, long *pDay, 
                 long *pHour, long *pMin, long *pSec, long *pMs); // 1.54

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

{ -- Version 1.54 --}
IPS7GetPLCTime (Ref : LongInt; pYear : PLongInt; pMonth : PLongInt; pDay : PLongInt; 
                 pHour : PLongInt; pMin : PLongInt; pSec : PLongInt; pMs : PLongInt) : LongInt;
stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

The same return values apply as for the Read / Write functions!


Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7SetPLCTime ips7_setplctime Set the system time of the PLC

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit value long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-Bit value long Year 32 Bit value for the year (1999 – 21xx)
2 32-Bit value long Month 32 Bit value for the month (1-12)
2 32-Bit value long Day 32 Bit value for the day (1 -31)
2 32-Bit value long Hour 32 Bit value for the hour (0 – 23)
2 32-Bit value long Min 32 Bit value for the minute (0 – 59)
2 32-Bit value long Sec 32 Bit value for the second (0-59)
2 32-Bit value long Ms 32 Bit value for the milliseconds ( 0-999)

C/C++ Functional Declaration

IPS7SetPLCTime (long Ref, long Year, long Month, long Day, 
  long Hour, long Min, long Sec, long Ms); // 1.54

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

{ -- Version 1.54 --}
IPS7SetPLCTime (Ref : LongInt; Year : LongInt; Month : LongInt; Day : LongInt;
  Hour : LongInt; Min : LongInt; Sec : LongInt; Ms : LongInt) : LongInt;
stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

The same return values apply as for the Read / Write functions!










Various system information are available in the PLC. Most of them, however, only start at FW 2.2 of the S7. The following information can be received in a string.

Name Name (PHP) Description / Purpose
IPS7GetPLCName ips7_getplcname Reads the name of the PLC
IPS7GetModuleName ips7_getmodulename Reads the name of the module (e.g. CPU 315-2 DP/PN - Test)
IPS7GetPlantIdName ips7_getplantidname Reads the plant name of the PLC
IPS7GetCopyrightEntry ips7_getcopyrightentry Reads the Copyright entry of the PLC
IPS7GetModuleSNr ips7_getmodulesnr Reads the serial number of the PLC
IPS7GetModuleTypeName ips7_getmoduletypename Reads the type name of the PLC (e.g. CPU 315-2 PN/DP)
IPS7GetMMCSNr ips7_getmmcsnr Reads the serial number of the MMC
IPS7GetLocationDesignation ips7_getlocationdesignation Reads the given location description of the PLC
IPS7GetOEMId ips7_getoemid Reads the OEM-ID of the CPU

Call parameter

Nr data type data type (PHP) Name Function
1 32-Bit unsigned long Ref The reference of the connection that was generated with IPS7Open. Used to identify the connection internally
2 32-Bit Pointer
auf C-String
string strInfo Pointer of the String, which receives the information. Must be at least 64 characters

C/C++ Functional Declaration

extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetPLCName(long Ref, char *Str); 
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetModuleName(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetPlantIdName(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetCopyrightEntry(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetModuleSNr(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetModuleTypeName(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetMMCSNr(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetOEMId(long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55
extern long WINAPI
IPS7GetLocationDesignation (long Ref, char *Str); // 1.55

Delphi / Pascal Functional Declaration

{ -- Version 1.55--}
IPS7GetPLCName(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL'; 
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetModuleName(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetPlantIdName(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetCopyrightEntry(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetModuleSNr(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetModuleTypeName(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetMMCSNr(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiCHar) : LongInt; 
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetOEMId(Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';
{ -- Version 1.55 --}
IPS7GetLocationDesignation (Ref : LongInt; Str : PAnsiChar) : LongInt;
  stdcall; external 'IPS7LNK.DLL';

The same return values apply as for the Read / Write functions!


 unsigned char ByteBuffer[512];  
 unsigned short int WordBuffer[512]; 
 //Call ByteFunction e.g. read DB 10, from DW0, 10 words  
 IPS7RdW (Ref,'D',10, 0, 10, WordBuffer);
 //Call ByteFunction e.g. read MB 0 , 10 bytes  
 IPS7RdB (Ref,'M' ,0, 0, 10, ByteBuffer); 

After successful call, the data is be stored as:

WordBuffer[0] = DB10.DBW0
WordBuffer[1] = DB10.DBW2
WordBuffer[2] = DW10.DBW4
ByteBuffer[0] = MB 0
ByteBuffer[1] = MB 1


  ByteBuffer array [0..511] of Byte; 
  WordBuffer array [0..511] of Word;  
  //Call WordFunction e.g. read DB 10, from DW0, 10 words  
  IPS7RdW (Ref, LongWord ('D'), 10, 0, 10, @WordBuffer[0]);  
  //Call ByteFunction e.g. read MB 0 , 10 bytes 
  IPS7RdB (Ref,'M' ,0, 0, 10, @ByteBuffer[0]); 


  Dim ByteBuffer (0 to 511) as Byte; 
  Dim WordBuffer (0..511) as Word; 
  //Call WordFunction e.g. read DB 10, from DW0, 10 words
  IPS7RdW (Ref, 68, 10, 0, 10, WordBuffer(0)) 
  //Call ByteFunction e.g. read MB 0 , 10 bytes
  IPS7RdB (Ref, 77, 0, 0, 10, ByteBuffer(0)); 

After successful call, the data is be stored as:

WordBuffer[0] = DB10.DBW0
WordBuffer[1] = DB10.DBW2
WordBuffer[2] = DW10.DBW4
ByteBuffer[0] = MB 0
ByteBuffer[1] = MB 1

Release Notes