PlcDWordAddress Class

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Represents a double word address which refers to a specific data area stored within a programmable logic controller (PLC).


public class PlcDWordAddress : PlcAddress, IComparable, ISerializable, IEquatable<PlcAddress>, IComparable<PlcAddress>, IEquatable<PlcDWordAddress>, IComparable<PlcDWordAddress>

Inheritance ObjectPlcIdentityPlcAddress › PlcDWordAddress

Attributes SerializableAttribute

Implements IComparable, Serialization.ISerializable, IEquatable<PlcAddress>, IComparable<PlcAddress>, IEquatable<PlcDWordAddress>, IComparable<PlcDWordAddress>

Name Description
PlcDWordAddress(PlcOperand, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the PlcDWordAddress class using the specified operand and byteNumber.
PlcDWordAddress(PlcOperandType, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the PlcDWordAddress class using the specified operandType and byteNumber.
PlcDWordAddress(PlcOperandType, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the PlcDWordAddress class using the specified operandType, operandNumber and byteNumber.
PlcDWordAddress(Serialization.SerializationInfo, Serialization.StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the PlcDWordAddress class with serialized data.
Name Description
MaxBitNumber Specifies the maximum value that can be assigned to the BitNumber property.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
MaxByteNumber Specifies the maximum value that can be assigned to the ByteNumber property.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
MaxOperandNumber Specifies the maximum value that can be assigned to the OperandNumber property.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
MinBitNumber Specifies the minimum value that can be assigned to the BitNumber property.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
MinByteNumber Specifies the minimum value that can be assigned to the ByteNumber property.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
MinOperandNumber Specifies the minimum value that can be assigned to the OperandNumber property.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Name Description
BitNumber Gets the bit number part of the address, which defines to which bit the address refers.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
ByteNumber Gets the byte number part of the address, which defines to which byte the address refers.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Operand Gets the operand part of the address, which defines to which memory block the address refers.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
OperandNumber Gets the operand number part of the address, which defines to which operand the address refers.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
OperandType Gets the type of operand to which the address refers.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
OriginalString Gets the original string from that the address was created.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
RawType Gets the raw type of to which the address refers.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Standard Gets a value indicating which PlcOperandStandard was used to create the address.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Name Description
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current PlcDWordAddress with the other.
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current PlcIdentity with the other.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
CompareTo(Object) Compares the current PlcAddress with the other.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
CompareTo(PlcAddress) Compares the current PlcAddress with another PlcAddress.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
CompareTo(PlcDWordAddress) Compares the current PlcDWordAddress with another PlcDWordAddress.
Distinct(IEnumerable) Returns distinct addresses from the sequence.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this PlcDWordAddress.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this PlcIdentity.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this PlcAddress.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Equals(PlcAddress) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this PlcAddress.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Equals(PlcDWordAddress) Determines whether the specified other is equal to this PlcDWordAddress.
Exclusive Retrieves a new PlcAddress which points to the next address within the same RawType specific address sequence.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Exclusive(PlcRawType) Retrieves a new PlcAddress which points to the next address within the same RawType specific address sequence regarding the rawType specified.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this PlcDWordAddress.
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this PlcIdentity.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
GetHashCode Retrieves a hash code for this PlcAddress.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
GetObjectData(Serialization.SerializationInfo, Serialization.StreamingContext) Sets the Serialization.SerializationInfo with information about the exception.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
GetObjectData(Serialization.SerializationInfo, Serialization.StreamingContext) Sets the Serialization.SerializationInfo with information about the exception.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Group(IEnumerable) Groups the addresses of the sequence according to their Operand.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Max(IEnumerable) Returns the maximum address in a sequence of PlcAddress instances.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Max(PlcAddress) Returns the maximum address in a sequence of PlcAddress instances.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Min(IEnumerable) Returns the minimum address in a sequence of PlcAddress instances.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Min(PlcAddress) Returns the minimum address in a sequence of PlcAddress instances.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Offset(Int32) Creates and returns an adjusted copy of the PlcAddress class. The copy is adjusted by the specified amount. The original PlcAddress class remains unmodified.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Offset(Int32, Int32) Creates and returns an adjusted copy of the PlcAddress class. The copy is adjusted by the specified amount. The original PlcAddress class remains unmodified.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Offset(Int32, Int32, Int32) Creates and returns an adjusted copy of the PlcAddress class. The copy is adjusted by the specified amount. The original PlcAddress class remains unmodified.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Parse(String) Converts an address string to a PlcAddress instance.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
ToString Converts the name to its string representation.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
ToString Converts the address to its string representation.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
ToString(PlcOperandStandard) Converts the address to its string representation using the specified standard.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
ToString(PlcOperandStandard, PlcAddressFormat) Converts the address to its string representation using the specified standard and format.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
TryParse(String, PlcAddress@) Determines whether a string is a valid address.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
Name Description
op_Equality(PlcAddress, PlcAddress) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of PlcAddress are equal.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_Equality(PlcDWordAddress, PlcDWordAddress) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of PlcDWordAddress are equal.
op_Equality(PlcIdentity, PlcIdentity) Returns a value indicating whether two instance of PlcIdentity are equal.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
op_GreaterThan(PlcAddress, PlcAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcAddress object is greater than the second specified PlcAddress object.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_GreaterThan(PlcDWordAddress, PlcDWordAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcDWordAddress object is greater than the second specified PlcDWordAddress object.
op_GreaterThan(PlcIdentity, PlcIdentity) Determines whether the first specified PlcIdentity object is greater than the second specified PlcIdentity object.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(PlcAddress, PlcAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcAddress object is greater than or equal to the second specified PlcAddress object.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(PlcDWordAddress, PlcDWordAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcDWordAddress object is greater than or equal to the second specified PlcDWordAddress object.
op_GreaterThanOrEqual(PlcIdentity, PlcIdentity) Determines whether the first specified PlcIdentity object is greater than or equal to the second specified PlcIdentity object.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
op_Implicit(Advanced.PlcAddress) Converts a string formatted as address to an PlcAddress object.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_Implicit(Advanced.PlcDWordAddress) Converts a string formatted as address to an PlcDWordAddress object.
op_Implicit(Advanced.PlcIdentity) Converts a string formatted as name to an PlcIdentity object.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
op_Inequality(PlcAddress, PlcAddress) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of PlcAddress are not equal.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_Inequality(PlcDWordAddress, PlcDWordAddress) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of PlcDWordAddress are not equal.
op_Inequality(PlcIdentity, PlcIdentity) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of PlcIdentity are not equal.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
op_LessThan(PlcAddress, PlcAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcAddress object is less than the second specified PlcAddress object.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_LessThan(PlcDWordAddress, PlcDWordAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcDWordAddress object is less than the second specified PlcDWordAddress object.
op_LessThan(PlcIdentity, PlcIdentity) Determines whether the first specified PlcIdentity object is less than the second specified PlcIdentity object.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)
op_LessThanOrEqual(PlcAddress, PlcAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcAddress object is less than or equal to the second PlcAddress object.
(Inherited from PlcAddress)
op_LessThanOrEqual(PlcDWordAddress, PlcDWordAddress) Determines whether the first specified PlcDWordAddress object is less than or equal to the second PlcDWordAddress object.
op_LessThanOrEqual(PlcIdentity, PlcIdentity) Determines whether the first specified PlcIdentity object is less than or equal to the second PlcIdentity object.
(Inherited from PlcIdentity)