PlcObjectMemberNode Class

Namespace: IPS7Lnk.Advanced
Assemblies: IPS7LnkNet.Advanced.dll

Provides information about a single PLC object member data node to operate on.


public class PlcObjectMemberNode : PlcObjectNode, IPlcStatusProvider, ISupportInitialize

Inheritance ObjectPlcDataNodePlcObjectNode › PlcObjectMemberNode

Implements IPlcStatusProvider, ISupportInitialize

Name Description
PlcObjectMemberNode(PlcObject, PlcMember) Initializes a new instance of the PlcObjectMemberNode class using the specified instance and member.
Name Description
CanRead Gets a value indicating whether the Value property is granted to be read from the PLC.
CanRead Gets a value indicating whether the Value property is granted to be read from the PLC.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
CanWrite Gets a value indicating whether the Value property is granted to be written to the PLC.
CanWrite Gets a value indicating whether the Value property is granted to be written to the PLC.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
HasNodes Gets a value indicating whether the Nodes property is set to an instance of the PlcDataNodeCollection class and whether the instance does contain any items.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
HasSources Gets a value indicating whether the Sources property is set to an instance of the PlcDataNodeSourceCollection class and whether the instance does contain any items.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
HasStatus Gets a value indicating whether the Status property is set to an instance of the PlcStatus class.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Instance Gets the PlcObject instance to that the data node does belong.
(Inherited from PlcObjectNode)
Member Gets the PlcMember of the PlcObject its data is represented.
Nodes Gets a collection of PlcDataNode objects relating to this node.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Parent Gets or sets the reference to logical parent node of the node.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Sources Gets the source objects of the node.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Status Gets the most recent outcome of the performed operation using this node.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Type Gets the PlcType of the data represented by the node.
Type Gets the PlcType of the data represented by the node.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Type Gets the PlcType of the data represented by the node.
(Inherited from PlcObjectNode)
Value Gets or sets the value associated with the Type.
Value Gets or sets the value associated with the Type.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
Value Gets or sets the value associated with the Type.
(Inherited from PlcObjectNode)
Name Description
BeginInit Signals the object that initialization is starting.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)
CreateMemberNodes(PlcObject) Creates for each PlcMember in Members the according child node.
CreateMemberNodes(PlcObject) Creates for each PlcMember in Members the according child node.
(Inherited from PlcObjectNode)
CreateNode(PlcObject, PlcMember) Creates a new PlcDataNode which refers to a PlcObject specific PlcMember.
CreateNode(PlcObject, PlcMember) Creates a new PlcDataNode which refers to a PlcObject specific PlcMember.
(Inherited from PlcObjectNode)
EndInit Signals the object that initialization is complete.
(Inherited from PlcDataNode)