OpcFile Class

Namespace: Opc.UaFx.Client
Assemblies: Opc.UaFx.Advanced.dll

Provides static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods for opening of a single file and aids in the creation of OpcFileStream objects.


public static class OpcFile

Inheritance Object › OpcFile

Name Description
AppendAllLines(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, IEnumerable) Appends lines to a file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId and then closes the file.
AppendAllLines(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, IEnumerable, Encoding) Appends lines to a file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId by using a specified encoding and then closes the file.
AppendAllLines(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, String) Appends lines to a file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId and then closes the file.
AppendAllText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, String) Appends the specified string to the file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId and then closes the file.
AppendAllText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, String, Encoding) Appends the specified string to the file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId by using a specified encoding and then closes the file.
AppendText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Creates a StreamWriter that appends UTF8 encoded text to the file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId.
AppendText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, Encoding) Creates a StreamWriter that appends text by using a specified encoding to the file maintained by the file node specified by fileNodeId.
Open(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, OpcFileMode) Opens a file in the specified mode.
OpenRead(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Creates a read-only OpcFileStream.
OpenText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Creates a StreamReader with UTF8 encoding.
OpenWrite(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Creates a write-only OpcFileStream.
ReadAllBytes(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Opens a binary file node, reads the contents of the file node into a byte array, and then closes the file node.
ReadAllLines(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Opens a text file node, reads all lines of the file maintained by the file node, and then closes the file node.
ReadAllLines(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, Encoding) Opens a file node, reads all lines of the file maintained by the file node with the specified encoding, and then closes the file node.
ReadAllText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId) Opens a file node, reads all lines of the file maintained by the file node, and then closes the file node.
ReadAllText(OpcClient, OpcNodeId, Encoding) Opens a file node, reads all lines of the file maintained by the file node with the specified encoding, and then closes the file node.