Rfc1006Status Enumeration

Represents the status of connection.

Namespace: Rfc1006LibNet.Advanced
Assembly:  Rfc1006LibNet.Advanced (in Rfc1006LibNet.Advanced.dll) Version: (


public enum Rfc1006Status

—– Member name Value Description
ConnectionClosed 0 After the close
ConnectionClosing 1 Before the close
Connected 2 After the connection
Connecting 3 Before the connection
Disconnected 4 After the disconnection
Disconnecting 5 Before the disconnection
Opened 6 After the open
Opening 7 Before the open
RfcConnecting 8 Before the RFC connection
RfcConnected 9 After the RFC connection
TcpConnecting 10 Before the TCP connection
TcpConnected 11 After the TCP connection
Starting 16 Before the server start
Started 17 After the server start
Stopping 18 Before the server stop
Stopped 19 After the server stop
